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How to get support with MG Store Issues, Orders, and details.

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by marvel, May 9, 2012.

  1. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Just to revisit something you may already know (or not,)

    We have a lot of new gamers on MG / L4D2 Servers.

    Thanks for welcoming them.

    If you place an order w/ the MG Store and, say your donor status doesn't show up in an appropriate timeframe...

    Or, if you are missing something from an order & got other stuff...

    Please follow this channel: (Store emails are harder to sift through and Joerve, our Store Manager, has an easier time going through requests for support this way:)

    1.) Visit this page:

    It is MGFTW.com / Forums / Marvelous Gaming Store / ORDER INFORMATION.

    2.) Submit the following information, as so that it's easier to expedite your request:

    - ORDER # (from email.) Or order confirmation page. Four Digits
    - STEAM ID in 1:1:123456 format. YOU CAN FIND THIS IN-GAME in !cp (first screen)
    - Brief Description of issue.

    Please allow an appropriate turn-around time. Joerve doesn't prefer personal messages on the Forums, rather this method.

    3.) Feel free to message me if you need help figuring out how to get there or do this (I'm on Steam a lot.)

  2. Cocaine

    Cocaine Head Administrator

    i think this is worth a sticky :P
  3. I'd just like to say for the record that Erik has been an awesome admin these last several months, and that his constant presence on MG servers has really helped cultivate a more cohesive and friendly environment that welcomes new players to the fold. I want this community to grow because it's maybe the number 1 reason I still play L4D2 actively, and the only way for that to happen is to bring in new blood on a regular basis, which Erik does consistently.

    Players who lambast new players or votekick them for not playing the way they want them to play are a drain on these servers, and unless they are donating massive amounts of money I see no reason why this kind of behavior should be tolerated *cough* smokke *cough*. The future for this community can only be sun-shiny if we remember that we were at one point ALL OF US level 1 players.

    Thanks for these threads Erik, and thanks for your good work.