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how to gain trueskill ! ? !

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by TrainWreck Sally, Aug 23, 2012.

  1. TrainWreck Sally

    TrainWreck Sally Junior Member

    hi maybe this is already covered..
    if some can someone link me ?

    how do i gain trueskill ?

    I've been playing forever and my trueskill is still 1..

    sad panda...
  2. jtork

    jtork Senior Member

    when i thought I had TS figured out, my TS goes down ... LOL

    but Teamwork, no rushing, winning helps bring up TS
  3. TrainWreck Sally

    TrainWreck Sally Junior Member

    so " just keep playing" and it'll do it own thing ?
    ok i can dig.

    anyway to max out the achievement of gaining ts points ? ( picking more people up,living, etc)

    an admin should write it out how it works ... its still a tad confusing.
    I looked at the wiki about it but it didnt mention HOW to gain TS.
    just what each class does etc.

    Thanks you all .. keep it going I want to learn more !
  4. Raised in Hell

    Raised in Hell Senior Member

    To be honest, i've no idea what im about to say coz i haven't even checked the wiki page for TS but i believe this is how it is worked out...

    As Survivor: Teamwork, Finishing the round, No rushing, Picking up survivors, Defibbing, Healing teammates, Getting good amount of kills
    As Infected: Doing high damage to Survivors

    I might have missed a thing or two but i hope you get the gist of it
  5. Chocobo

    Chocobo <span style="color:#66CD00">Moderator</span>

    True skill only increased on versus.
  6. Beasty Ribs

    Beasty Ribs Guest

    This explained it the best for me. I read it a couple of times to understand it all.
    There are only 2 things that the TrueSkill system cares about.
    Basically your skill goes up or down not based on your individual performance within the team, but the performance of your whole team. The amount of up or down depends on the individual TrueSkill given 'factor'(word that I came up with.) This is why teamwork is so important. The more people that score the better your whole team is.

    completely hypothetical...
    you team wins... your skill factor is a 1, you get 5, another teammember has a skill factor of 2 gets 10. The TrueSkill factor gets slowly adjusted after each game to fine tune, how much you get after each round.

    My propeller hat is not very big there are others here that could explain it better.

    edit: source http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/projects/trueskill/faq.aspx
  7. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

  8. TrainWreck Sally

    TrainWreck Sally Junior Member

    thanks tons you guys :D
  9. jtork

    jtork Senior Member

    and did i mentioned if your team wins ..cause many many times I have done this (healing, helping them up, high amount of kills to inf and damge to sur etc...) and my TS gone down ... so winning is very important probaby a huge factor into the algo of the TS but not always I say 85% to 15% ratio that your team must win round based on my exp playing vs TS server (USA)
  10. Beasty Ribs

    Beasty Ribs Guest

    I understand it as if your team doesn't win your Trueskill will NOT go up.
  11. lukemurawski

    lukemurawski Senior Member

    Sometimes, even if your team loses, your skill might go up. This is due to an uncertainty rating derived from the variable differences in summative skill between the two teams. Other than that, you're explanation was dead-on and easy to interpret :) Well said!
  12. atreyucore

    atreyucore Senior Member

    i havent got to play yet =[
  13. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

    My TrueSkill is 1, and i'm damn proud of it!
  14. jtork

    jtork Senior Member

    not true, couple times out of many it went up for me... lol
  15. I think its quite easy to gain trueskill on pr if you have a high lvl, for lower levels it might be tougher.
    I got my t50 on the VI server wich was really hard to get because all players and bots are equal in lvl.

    On pr the survivors are much stronger than bots or new players and they are all mixed together.
  16. TJ

    TJ MG Donor

  17. I didn't mean the level itself, but of course the whole package of upgrades & skills that comes with it.
  18. lukemurawski

    lukemurawski Senior Member

    I'm pretty sure I said that trueskill doesn't care about your points, exp, level, and skills. It's nowhere in Microsoft's algorithm which the code emulates. It's equally possible for a low level to gain trueskill regardless of how many times they die. The algorithm is solely dependent on teamwork and your statistics (mu and sigma). Please don't assume things.

    The algorithm is designed such that it knows players are inherently unequal. It is from this unpredictability that delta differences account for changes in skill.

    I understand where you are coming from, but mathematically, your argument doesn't make sense since the only factors considered are the final team scores, mu, and sigma.
  19. atreyucore

    atreyucore Senior Member

    i still havent got to play =[. Just ordered me a HDD hopefully that works