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How much is your steam account worth?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Penguin, May 1, 2013.

  1. Penguin

    Penguin Guest

  2. MetallicA

    MetallicA <span style="color:#66CD00">Moderator</span>

    €385.76 with 1,060.3 hours spent playing games on Steam xD
  3. erik

    erik MG Donor

    [/h][h=4]4,501.8 hours spent playing games on Steam

  4. SoX

    SoX Game Server Moderator

    $403.78 and 3400 hrs
  5. erik

    erik MG Donor

    Pretty impressive figures, Sox. Let's see how many hours Vulcan has in...
  6. TJ

    TJ MG Donor

    Steam Member for 3 years...
    Account worth: $184.91
    1,963.7 hrs wasted
  7. JavCube

    JavCube MG Donor

    I don't think Steam have so that many historic records xD
  8. davzee

    davzee <img src="http://mgftw.com/webdesigner.png" />


    2,239.6 hours wasted
  9. WeeJocky

    WeeJocky Game Server Moderator

    £2088.5/$3022.29 ?!
    1996 hours
    4 years old

    Haven't played 34% of my games!

    The price thing is a long way off though; it assumes that you paid the current full price for every game. There's a lot of games I bought on sale, in bundles or got free.
  10. erik

    erik MG Donor

    TJ too grumpy need to play versus
  11. Adward

    Adward Game Server Moderator Staff Member

    1,082.1 hours ingame
    $2085.86 account value

    I'm fairly sure that the real value spent is below a thousand considering all the bundles/sales/humble bundle stuff I've got.
  12. erik

    erik MG Donor

    Is this a conversion issue form euros to usd?

    You and adward have VERY valuable/expensive account figures.

    Or do you just have premium title games?

    I thought mine was a lot.
  13. Adward

    Adward Game Server Moderator Staff Member

    Got CoD WaW, BO, and BO2. They're expensive.
    Also own Elder Scrolls Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim plus DLC.
    Fallout 3/NV.
    Max Payne titles (got LA Noire + Max Payne 1+2 for free with it)
    GTA series (acquired on sale for £10)
    Saints Row 3 (humble bundle)
    Company of Heroes series (Humble bundle)
    Tomb Raider series (Sale)
    Tomb Raider (new one)
    Borderlands 1+2

    Pretty much 90% of the games I have on steam are ones from sales/bundles. The valve complete collection was £50 and added around £170 worth of games to my account alone.
  14. tank

    tank MG Donor

    Friend [G?D]

    4,842.7 hours spent playing games on Steam
    [TABLE="class: table table-bordered table-hover, width: 100%"]
    [TH="class: span1 sort-header"]APPID[/TH]
    [TH="class: sort-header"]APP TYPE[/TH]
    [TH="class: sort-header"]NAME[/TH]
    [TH="class: span1 sort-header"]TIME[/TH]
    [TH="class: span2 sort-header"]PRICE[/TH]
    [TD]Left 4 Dead[/TD]
    [TD]Left 4 Dead 2[/TD]
    [TD]Dota 2[/TD]
    [TD]ARMA II[/TD]
    [TD]Free or No Price[/TD]
    [TD]ARMA II: Operation Arrowhead[/TD]
    [TD]Arma 2: Free[/TD]
    [TD]Free or No Price[/TD]
    [TD]Dota 2 Test[/TD]
    [TD]Free or No Price[/TD]
    [TD]Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead Beta[/TD]
    [TD]Free or No Price[/TD]
    [TD]Cry of Fear[/TD]
    [TD]Free or No Price[/TD]

  15. Scorpion

    Scorpion Banned

  16. erik

    erik MG Donor

    4,000+ hours! Nice! You're catching up w/ me. :-D
  17. Steph

    Steph Game Server Moderator

    It doesn't work for me. I guess that means I'm priceless lol.
  18. NoWomanNoCry

    NoWomanNoCry Member

    Medicopter [?¹?²]

    [TABLE="class: table table-bordered table-hover, width: 100%"]
    [TD="class: span2"]Real name[/TD]
    [TD="class: span2"]Status[/TD]
    [TD="class: span2"]Profile creation[/TD]
    [TD]4 years ago (November 30, 2008 – 06:41:07 UTC)[/TD]
    [TD="class: span2"]Last log off[/TD]
    [TD]about 11 hours ago (May 1, 2013 – 19:14:37 UTC)[/TD]
    [TD="class: span2"]Games owned[/TD]
    [TD="class: span2"]Games not played[/TD]
    [TD]1 (9%)[/TD]
    [TD="class: span2, bgcolor: #F5F5F5"]Hours spent[/TD]
    [TD="bgcolor: #F5F5F5"]1,539.5h[/TD]
  19. CrazyRabbit

    CrazyRabbit Game Server Moderator

    I used both the USD and AUD... somewhere in between would be the NZD

    Apparently I joined 1 week after my birthday in 2004. I think I bought retail HL2 using my birthday money and had to use Steam to play.

    I have also spent 1,529hrs in the L4D2 Authoring Tools (doesn't include L4D1 which I also spent a long time in) making maps :P


    This goes by what you have downloaded, but for accurate information you can view your recent store purchases via your Account Details (drop down box at your login name top right of Steam window) then click Store Transactions.

    Here's my real purchases information.

    So that's $224.47 NZD, minus the games I bought retail that aren't listed here. I'd estimate about $300NZD spent on games.
  20. erik

    erik MG Donor
