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How Do You Prefer To Enjoy / Manage Your Music?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by erik, Apr 30, 2013.

  1. erik

    erik MG Donor

    I'm just curious about this, and am not sure what's most popular these days. So, I wanted to take a poll.

    I realize how popular YouTube.com is for finding and hearing music.

    However, you obviously can't "keep" the songs unless you have a converter or downloader of some kind.

    I used to use iTunes but found it to be a process/memory hog, and made wierd shit happen to Windows...

    I'm a little torn at the moment. I love grooveshark.com, personally, but they don't have everything I enjoy. However, I don't have time to re-'up everything I have on CD that isn't on grooveshark. So, I'm curious what you guys do...
  2. Penguin

    Penguin Guest

    Personally when i am at home on my own computer i only use itunes. However when i am at college and i want to listen to music i will either use grooveshark, youtube or most recently i tried out spotify and that doesn't seem to bad.
  3. erik

    erik MG Donor

    what is spotify
  4. tank

    tank MG Donor

    its a prog like itunes, only here www.spotify.com can get bunch of free music and buy to.
  5. tank

    tank MG Donor

    Usualy rip music from youtube or get from torr... :D so i don't have that problem
  6. erik

    erik MG Donor

    so you just play music when you feel like a certian song or are browsing?

    i love that too, but i also use things like grooveshark to arrange playlists.

    a library that i can revist
  7. tank

    tank MG Donor

    4 playlist and playing i use "WINAMP" free edition (prog like WPlayer)
  8. erik

    erik MG Donor

    cool yeah i remember winamp :)
  9. LordCoder

    LordCoder Game Server Moderator

    Spotify Premium (so I can use my playlists offline too)
  10. tank

    tank MG Donor

    Yea its good if u wanna pay 4 music monthly, my girl have premium to ,she can use even on moblie phone offline when she's travel.
  11. MarksmanR

    MarksmanR MG Donor

    I have a really old folder on my 2TB HDD called "Reece CD Music", that has all my .mp3 (some may be other formats) songs in it, all songs are downloaded from torrents over the years. I just use Windows Media Player or VLC to play the songs.
  12. MetallicA

    MetallicA <span style="color:#66CD00">Moderator</span>

    I use Foobar2000. It's FREE and simply the best one out there.
    I don't have a big sound system (yet) and the quality is amazing.

    Ofc, I'm a pirate when it comes to music lol but I still buy from time to time...
  13. erik

    erik MG Donor

    Right, I currently spend a LOT of external hard drive space on music. I just can't find a comfortable software program that could process it (and make a library) quickly, SORT DUPLICATES, and convert certain types (i.e. FLAC to whatever,) as I downloaded a lot off the internet.

    iTunes always gave me issues... or, I'd do fine for a while then have issues out of the blue.

    All that transferring back & forth from external drive to PC just fractured the whole thing... I'm missing stuff here & there and songs are messed up here and there.

    I gave up on trying to keep a library for iTunes or whatever on an external hard drive DIRECTORY, as they always had to reassociate the file path whenever I started the software. Syncing was a nightmare.

    So, that leaves putting it on PC (no, not atm at least) directly... or searching for my entire library and buildign a groooveshark collection.

    Re-scanning CD's of the harder-to-find stuff is gonna be a nightmare.

    As for teh poll, it's interesting how balanced it is. Maybe my options were too generic.

    I think, in the end, I'm gonna just try to notate or "inventory" everything off the external(s,) then whatever I can't dd to a grooveshark library... I'll copy or re-upload to grooveshark itself.

    Given my luck, grooveshark will shut down right after I put all that effort into it lol
  14. erik

    erik MG Donor

    THIS LOOKS VERY, VERY GOOD!!! I'm going to try this!!!

    I love these 2 features:

    1.) Supported audio formats: MP3, MP4, AAC, CD Audio, WMA, Vorbis, Opus, FLAC, WavPack, WAV, AIFF, Musepack, Speex, AU, SND... and more

    2.) ADVANCED TAGGING CAPABILITIES (see the site, so awesome for big music fanatics or if you really wanna catalogue your shit well.)
  15. Adward

    Adward Game Server Moderator Staff Member

    Foobar2k is fucking backed hard man! I use it all the time, and it uses almost no resources while being more featured than most others. great file support and tagging.

    I use Spotify/Youtube/Last.fm for checking out new music, Foobar2k/My iPod to listen to what I've got, and Last.fm again to keep track of what I listen to.
  16. Hey Koolaid

    Hey Koolaid Head Administrator

    I'm not gonna say I buy all my music because I don't. I buy cds from bands that I enjoy the most such as Trapt, Eminem, Green Day, Fallout Boy, Nickelback, Limpbizket, Metallica, Seven Dust. such and such, I used to have real player but it was heavy back then so idk how it is now. wmp is main thing anymore. Simple and already installed lol.
  17. erik

    erik MG Donor

    Very cool feature...

    I can't see you on a computer and being OFFLINE, though, coder. :-P
  18. LordCoder

    LordCoder Game Server Moderator

    True :P, but Spotify Premium lets me share my playlists even offline with other devices (TV, Mobile, Tablet, etc.), so my music goes with me anywhere, just for less than the price of 1 CD/month, and on top of that I have access to tons of new music/playlists (when online).