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Holiday cheer

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Hey Koolaid, Dec 27, 2011.

  1. Hey Koolaid

    Hey Koolaid Head Administrator

    For those that our fans MG has given away perks points l4d2 copys and other goodies.

    I will be buying 2 copys of l4d2 for 2 lucky non steam players, From VI or Points reloader servers
    Mg wants to see you back so like Marvel I'm giving you guys a chance.

    Leave your name steam id & your brand new steam account! Its that easy ladies and gents.

    Remember only 2 copys so post quickly!

    Sorry cut it back to 2 for the fact valve is retarded and won't let you use the deal until it goes back up in price.
  2. szSteam_76561198049914430

    szSteam_76561198049914430 Last Online: 39 hrs, 42 mins ago

    Hi , koolaid , the next info is from a non-steam friend , he have a problem and he cant post here , well anyways , i post his information.
    Name: Overkiller
    Level: 176
    Total connection time: 62 : 10 : 24 h
    Karma: In good condition
    Old Steam: STEAM_0:0:1072977446
    Member of Clan: he was in Legit and then in STARS
    Email: [email protected]
    New Steam: STEAM_0:1:47618697

    EDIT: My friend put his information down there, you can delete this if u want =P

    Thank you very much koolaid , i hope my friend get the game
  3. 0verKiller

    0verKiller Junior Member

    Name: 0verKiller
    Level: 176
    Total connection time: 62 : 10 : 24 h
    Karma: In good condition
    Old Steam: STEAM_0:0:1072977446
    Email: [email protected]
    New Steam: STEAM_0:1:47618697
  4. Traxx

    Traxx MG Donor

    Reserve 1 for Jill :D
  5. Hey Koolaid

    Hey Koolaid Head Administrator

    thats the plan lol
  6. Hey Koolaid

    Hey Koolaid Head Administrator

    It seems I had a problem sending it to you if you will add me on steam or tell me your steam name so I may add and gift it too you.
  7. joel030

    joel030 Junior Member

    Merry Christmas

    The account of my brother ... please send the game

    Name: AleZzanDer
    Karma: In good condition
    Old Steam: STEAM_0: 0:263606818
    Email: [email protected]
    New Steam: Alex074147
  8. 0verKiller

    0verKiller Junior Member

    Holiday thank you very much :D
    now to kill zombies xD
  9. Jp12345678

    Jp12345678 Junior Member

    Name: Jp12345678
    Level: 65
    Clan: [LVL4D]
    Total connection time: 18:27:19 h 3d
    Karma: In good condition
    Old Steam: STEAM_0: 0:426546460
    Mgftw forum Email: [email protected]
    Email From Steam account: [email protected]
    New Steam: Jp123456Pro
  10. Traxx

    Traxx MG Donor

    4 bundles is $30
  11. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    You can't buy 4 copies for $30, that's what sucks about it, because the 4 copies option is 1 for yourself and 3 to give away, so if you own the game already you can't do that.
  12. Traxx

    Traxx MG Donor

    Create an account for somebody then give it to them :D
  13. Hey Koolaid

    Hey Koolaid Head Administrator

    Ya that ticks me off the way they did it.
  14. Jp12345678

    Jp12345678 Junior Member

  15. Jp12345678

    Jp12345678 Junior Member

    Thanks for the game Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!