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Help me out, weakness and strenght of Tanks

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ecco0, Nov 15, 2011.

  1. ecco0

    ecco0 MG Donor

    hello guys, i'd like to dedicate this topic only to weaknesses and strenghts of a shaman and knight tank.

    Normal Tank
    This will damages the tank:
    is the best choice of weapon, you can take one of these down in seconds with a group that has melee
    Rifles: don't think that its immune to any kind of rifle damage, so shooting it will work.
    Fire: will damage this tank
    Bile: will attrack zombies to the tank, im not sure if they do damage to it but it does help because zombies wont be attack you.

    its still a tank, so watch out for his arm attack.
    when he throws a rock at you you will take alot of damage, i suggest as soon as he picking up a rock, you get behind cover.

    just run as fast as you can to the tank with melee and start hitting it, because he will die in seconds and you will want to be there when he does because he droppes toaster.

    Para Tank
    This will damage the tank:
    AK andm16 im sure of that
    (btw, the m16 is actualy a M4a1, but no matter)
    Bile: same as regular tank, only i dont think the zombies are hurting the tank.
    Mega laser: does about 1k-2k damage

    This wont work
    M60, Melee, Fire

    this tank deals incredible damage with his arm, if you get hit by it it will throw you far across the map and probbaly kill you from the fall. so stay away from him, there's is no reason to get close because you cant deal damage with melee. also when he hits you you will be covert in bile and alot of the times he will incap you right away.
    he also has a slam ability, he stomps on the ground throwing incapt survivors in all directions, this can kill you if you fall from a great height.
    the Para tank will walk faster if he's on fire, so only bile people!

    best way to deal with this is to keep distance between you and the tank and shoot it with the weapons posted here to will do damage to it. dont throw moltof at him, only bile, if a team member is incapt help him. thats all.

    Shaman Tank
    This will damage the tank:
    M16 ( only rifle i know that does damage )

    This wont work
    m60, melee, fire

    same as Para, in addition to that he can teleport anywhere on the map, watch out for that.
    he can also call a friend, when he does you will have to fight 2 tanks, good think about this is when he spawns a regular tank, you can kill it fast with melee and pick up those healthpacks and defibs to heal your teammembers. also the fire he produce is lethal, you will be instantly killed when you are hit by it.

    same as PARA,
    dont get close to him, he has teleport ability so he can get close to you. if you are chased by a Shaman dont fire on him, because he will keep chasing you. if other fire enough it will draw his attention. dont use fire, only bile. use the weapons that i posted here because im sure that they will do damage, alot of rifles doesnt hurt him. when you have the chance revive incapt teammates, and keep using defib on dead bodys, you cant kill this tank with only a couple of your teammembers alive.

    Knight Tank
    This will damage the tank:
    M16 and ak
    This wont work
    m60, melee, fire, not sure about the mega laser.

    almost the same as shaman, except more health and more damage ofcourse, in addidition this guy calls in friends faster, so expect to fight alot of tank while batteling this one, he can also absorb health, poison you, vomit on you. and the fire he produce is lethal, you will be instantly killed when you are hit by it.

    Alot like fighting a Shaman tank, only this guy is alot thougher, he has more health then a shaman, regenerates more health, calls in more friends. so stick to the shaman stratagie, and make sure you dont get near this guy.
    best conditions whould be a team with no low leveled players, alot of guild members with extra hp buff, and good team players. also it important to defib guys, cant stress this enough. remember that the knight tank can also spawn a shaman.

    ?Hell Tank?
    still a suprise i think ? havent seen this one yet.

    if you have more info, please post it and ill add that.
    also a good thing to do is, use only 1 weapon against shaman and knight tank, when you die open the console by pressing ~ key. you can see in white letters how much damage you did and how many times you hit the tank. so use weapons that arnt posted on this topic and find out if it does do damage.
    if it says 0 damage with xxx hits that will mean that the weapon you used isnt hurting the tank.

    help me out to find the best stratagies.

    remember guys: when i comes to Para, Shaman and knight


    Sorry but i can't stop myself to say this but m16 and M4a1 is two different weapons but are close to be the same

    EDIT: Well i dind't know that M60 did not do any damage to shaman tank, thanks for that info

    EDIT2: The only reason i know its 2 different weapon is because a M16 can shoot longer in a effective lenght than a M4a1
  3. WeeJocky

    WeeJocky Game Server Moderator

    What I would really like to know is whether vet pistols are effective against tanks, I've heard varying reports.
  4. ecco0

    ecco0 MG Donor

    i have no idea it the vet pistols work, but you can try that method in my post. only use vet pistols against tanks, and when you die check damage report to see if it hurt him. you can devide the total amount of damage with the shots and get a average damage per hit indication,
  5. zipper17

    zipper17 Senior Member

    hmm seriously m60 wont work for para or shaman??

    use !tankhp instead looking on console,,

    i barely notice m60 does many damage to tank,,

  6. Beasty Ribs

    Beasty Ribs Guest

    A guildmember with veteran pistols was awarded with the highest damage to a regular tank at the end of a map a few days ago. I would assume that the veteran pistols will do alot of damage to all tanks, but it is random as to how strong your veteran pistols are.

    edit: also add that lighting a paranoia tank on fire will make him faster.
  7. ecco0

    ecco0 MG Donor

    oh yea, i forgot the fire on para, and whats up with the lightning ?
  8. Stoned

    Stoned Senior Member

    hmm thats alot like the guide i made. It's nice but why did you make another one? :D
  9. Method [

    Method [ Guest

  10. Raised in Hell

    Raised in Hell Senior Member

    Knight Tank is actually dark blue with thunder sort of effect in white colour ..
  11. ecco0

    ecco0 MG Donor

    im sorry, i didnt know you allready made one, i search the forums and couldnt find it.
  12. zipper17

    zipper17 Senior Member

    can u prove m60 wont work for para or even shaman/knight tank?? i just gettin curious,,
    i tried testing by myself but could not find out,,(look into !tankhp, but im sure m60 does damage)

    btw yesterday we fought shaman,,on my sight almost all high lvl using m60 include me and we won,,
  13. ecco0

    ecco0 MG Donor

    well i found out because i was shooting only with m60 ( cause it only costed 1 bounty ) and when the shaman killed me i looked at the console because i was curious about how much damage i did to it, and it showed me i did 0 damage with about 300+ hits. so i think that proves that the m60 doesnt work, maybe explosive bullets work but im pretty sure that normal bullets on a m60 doesnt work, only way to know for sure it that that a shaman spawns when im alone, and im the only one shooting it with a m60, but thats never going to happen (or will it, .....admins ?)
  14. Stoned

    Stoned Senior Member

    I got a question. When is this Hell Tank coming out? Also, for all the people who aren't admins, how do you know the Hell Tank's attacks and color? :D
  15. Raised in Hell

    Raised in Hell Senior Member

    [QUOTE='Method [
  16. zipper17

    zipper17 Senior Member

    afraid looked into console its bugged,,
    so better with !tankhp directly,,,