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Heavy Pounce!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Seeker Sheol, Jun 1, 2011.

  1. Seeker Sheol

    Seeker Sheol Senior Member

    hey do you guys heavy pounce with hunter????


    am so glad i found this vid , from now on i will heavy pounce with the hunter cant belive i have been missing out.

    HAHAHA ;)
  2. littlebrother

    littlebrother MG Donor

    i don't understand, where is the heavy pounce in the vid..

    if you want to see a real hunter pounce, look at this video in youtube. play at 4:06, thats a real heavy pounce by legend in l4d1.. luckily i was infront of rubinvitamin..lol

  3. vishus puss

    vishus puss MG Donor

  4. littlebrother

    littlebrother MG Donor


    LEGEND Senior Member

    The invisible walls have been deleted littlebro :)

    Plus, that visceral hunter guy may be good at hunter but I bet you he isn't good at being a survivor 8)
  6. vishus puss

    vishus puss MG Donor

    There have to be invisible walls somewhere. The map just can't go on forever ^^ I remember when l4d2 came out the invisible walls seemed so restrictive at first! Messed up so many high pounces so ppl just used them for cling! Might be better not to have walls I guess.

    Maybe someone should make one with PR mod with other flashy things for advertising or something ^^

    And what does survivor have to do with a 'heavy pounce'?
  7. subversive

    subversive Junior Member

    Visceral and his team, Latino Heat won CEVO in L4D not too long ago.

    LEGEND Senior Member

    Say whuut... He hasn't been up against me then.