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Guilds now available!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by joerve, Oct 2, 2011.

  1. joerve

    joerve Senior Member

    Guildstones are now available in the store for $7,50. Remember you have to be level 100+ to start a guild.
  2. Chocobo

    Chocobo <span style="color:#66CD00">Moderator</span>

    Requirements for Making a Guild

    1. A Guild Stone
    2. 50,000 Points
    3. Lv. 100+
    4. A Name :D
  3. TR&gt; Turkish Fafeynk

    TR&gt; Turkish Fafeynk Junior Member

    what is the max limit of guilt membership?
    what are the buffs we 'll get each lvl ?
    is there a wide explained topic about guilt?

    all my questions is these ^^
  4. TJ

    TJ MG Donor

    yea, is it possible to post a Full Explanation of guilds? I have a guild, and even I'm somewhat confused...
  5. Raised in Hell

    Raised in Hell Senior Member

    I'm not sure but i'm just gona guess that 20 might be the max number of players in each guild .. Could be more but even 20 will seem like alot especially during guild wars when everyone will think they deserve to participate in every war .. Can't keep everyone happy if u have 40 members in ur guild .. Yes u can choose the top 10 high level players in your guild but guild members share exp as well so sooner or later u will have more people getting higher levels so ..

    You don't get any buffs just because u have levelled up .. Buffs have to be bought using points and points are also needed to level up. Buffs do require the guild to be at X level so you will have to either level up ur guild or buy the buff if you can at the needed level of that buff..

    At the moment no but i don't see what's difficult about this guild situation .. It's just like a clan where you have certain number of members in it.. In this guild, you have Ally and Enemies, you can't be Ally with someone who has your Enemy as an Ally .. Allies share exp with eachother and you get exp / points for killing someone who is in your Enemy guild .. Then you have buffs, which are self-explanatory.. They are same as the normal buffs where you have to be at certain level and need certain amount of points to get them..