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good song

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by joerve, May 19, 2011.

  1. joerve

    joerve Senior Member

  2. davzee

    davzee <img src="http://mgftw.com/webdesigner.png" />

    the guy looks like hes having some sort of epileptic fit...or a mental breakdown lol. Personally not really my kinda music but i can still appreciate it :)
  3. joerve

    joerve Senior Member


    LEGEND Senior Member

    Is there a dubstep remix of this? I think it would be entertaining to watch...
  5. The Real Youngblood

    The Real Youngblood Game Server Moderator

  6. Vulcan

    Vulcan Game Server Moderator

    I have always found Axle Rose quite disturbing not my brand of rock but thanks for sharing.

    Youngblood, that song is you, lighthearted with a touch of humor.

    I prefer instrumental. I came across this a few months ago, a vid of supposedly the oldest movie ever in 1906 San Francisco. Notice the only fat person is the cop. I found the music interesting.


    This one is of my best freinds just having a little jam session back in 92. I made a slide show for it and put it on my youtube site. It does have some offensive images. Not my best slideshow, I think my 1st attempt. But it is the song that counts. My buddies are tight.


    And if you can stand one more here is a cool song I made a slideshow for that I did a lot better on.

  7. The Real Youngblood

    The Real Youngblood Game Server Moderator

    hehe...I stumbled across the video that I posted above a few years ago and was like....what....the....fudge? It's hypnotic.

    Vulcan-the music to your first link is fantastic. Right up my alley. ALthough, it might have something to do with all those mushrooms I've been eating. (I could hear the colors man!) The other two are good too.

    Seriously, this is the kind of music that I grew up on....


    Bet most folks wouldn't be able to tell who it was if they didn't see the name in the title.
  8. Vulcan

    Vulcan Game Server Moderator

    That was really great stuff Youngblood but I could tell who it was because I am a big fan. Here are two songs from a bands first album. In my opinion their greatest work 1972.


    Sorry no vid here but the song is awesome.


    I love the songs from bands that never made it to the radio. Just because MacDonalds is the #1 restaurant does not mean it has the best food.
  9. littlebrother

    littlebrother MG Donor

    Well, my favourite song is always from john scatman,

    but since you guys are into instrumental music,

    my 2nd favourite next to J. scat is this band



    Because THE MUSIC so matches with my FAVOURITE PAST TIME, in which you can see from the vid below:-


    but when it comes to Rock, its METALLICA. When they were still making good music of course.

  10. The Real Youngblood

    The Real Youngblood Game Server Moderator