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Good Luck to all Test Takers

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Chocobo, Jun 1, 2011.

  1. Chocobo

    Chocobo <span style="color:#66CD00">Moderator</span>


    I would just like to take a second to wish all the test takers good luck. I know most of you have already taken them, but this is for those who havent and are soon. Get some good sleep, eat a commercial breakfast, and study hard!

    And for those of you who care, I am taking my finals (Intro to Business, Advanced Comp, Bio, Accounting 1, German 2, and a few other boring ones) this week, so I will not be on as much as I usually am. :(

    I actually have to take my finals this year, as I was sick for literally 1/4 of the school year in bed with viral labyrinthitis and a mycoplasma infection. Look it up, it might intrest you :)

    But to sum this up, good luck everyone! (except Kitties who already took his :P)
  2. Nova

    Nova Senior Member

    Good luck dude, sounds like you're gonna have a tough week, so I hope you'll do fine.

    I personally don't care about my exams, but thanks for the wishes.
  3. Wolf O'Donnell

    Wolf O'Donnell Senior Member

    Cheers man, I have my Psychology A-level exam coming up 18th and re-sit 21st. I find it almost impossible to motivate myself to revise but I will have to in the end. Good luck to you too :)
  4. L1teHawk

    L1teHawk Senior Member

    Good luck! I have 4 semester hours worth of preparation to do for my medical final on June. Thankfully, I feel (and am) fully prepared for mine, and I hope you are prepared for yours.

    Our exams are nothing like the exams the ones I used to have. I remember taking 5 AP classes back in high school along with Football after school. It was pure hell, but it's nothing when compared to what you go through in med school. Every other day is like an all-nighter for us.

    Damn, labyrinthitis is a nasty one. A lot of inner and cochlear inflammation; and you had a viral one at that, rendering antibiotics useless. Did they put you on methylprednisolone? Usually they prefer forms of corticosteroids to antiviral agents. As for the mycoplasma infection, hopefully you didn't end up with pneumonia after getting diagnosed and treated :)

    *Sigh* Our tests never end. With the next phase of the USMLE exam closing in...
  5. Chocobo

    Chocobo <span style="color:#66CD00">Moderator</span>

    Well, for the labrynthitis, the ENT doctor gave me steroids even though the real cure is just time. Of course, that was before they knew I had the mycoplasma infection at the same time. So the steroids made the mycoplasma infection worse, which is why it lasted for about 5 months instead of a month tops. I have given so much blood, I'm suprised I'm not a zombie by now. Now I am not an expert on the illnesses, but I thought a mycoplasma infection was a form of pneumonia?

    But yeah, I felt really shitty for about 5 months, and was hone from school the whole time. Not fun with all my classes. By the time they figured out it was the mycoplasma, it had been 5 month and MRI, and 4 trips to the hospital later. They said after 5 months, I started making antibodies for it, so I had to just live with it until it got completely better, which took another month.

    Oh, and I also got a nice shot of Torodol (sp?) in my back side, which burned like hell.
  6. L1teHawk

    L1teHawk Senior Member

    It's considered a "walking" pneumonia. It's not truly pneumonia. Mycoplasmal infections sometimes do tend to evolve into pneumonia though, which was why I asked if it did to you.

    OMG they gave you Toradol when you had a mycoplasmal infection? O_o Damn. It causes dyspnoea as a side effect xD and they gave you toradol? xd

    That sucks, I'm sorry for you.
  7. Chocobo

    Chocobo <span style="color:#66CD00">Moderator</span>

    What is dyspnoea? I have never hear of that before?
  8. littlebrother

    littlebrother MG Donor

    i hate studying..

    Thank god i have completed this phase..

    Yeah, all the best and good luck..