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Give Me Your L4D2 Cards!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Stoned, Jul 1, 2013.

  1. Stoned

    Stoned Senior Member

  2. CrazyRabbit

    CrazyRabbit Game Server Moderator

    He means L4D2 Trading Cards, for those that don't know. Also note that you will only get 4 card drops for L4D2, the other cards you don't get you will have to trade with others. I can trade 1 smoker card for either a Boomer, Witch, Tank, Hunter, Charger or Spitter if anyone has any of these in duplicate.
  3. MetallicA

    MetallicA <span style="color:#66CD00">Moderator</span>

    I got 3 but I'm selling them :trollface:
  4. Zsoka

    Zsoka Senior Member

    I'm sorry I rather let people be informed what they are giving up so reading http://steamcommunity.com/tradingcards/faq would be highly recommended. Like Metallica said after all these are worth money.
    For those who don't want to read the whole faq, to sum it up:
    • Certain games drop a limit number of cards
    • Collect all cards to craft a badge and get rewarded with a coupon, an emote, exp for your steam level, and a background for your steam profile.
    • The higher steam level you are the more friends you can have and optimizations you can do.
    • When you hit level 10 you have a chance to get boosters that drop more cards, chances increase every 10 levels by 20% starting at 20%.(These are completely random on which game cards they give)
  5. CrazyRabbit

    CrazyRabbit Game Server Moderator

    Stoned just wants us to give them to him, I'm just asking for a 1 to 1 trade of a duplicate card.

    The Marketplace seems like it's just full of people wanting to make a quick buck, all I want is a free trade and I'll never sell any of my cards.
  6. longjohn

    longjohn Member

    i have extra cards to trade. I have some from left 4 dead 2, tf2 and half life 2. If you have double the cards to trade, just pm me and we can work something out.
  7. erik

    erik MG Donor

    Pretty cheap to just show up now & then wanting something for nothing.
  8. Angel

    Angel MG Donor

    I think they changed that so everyone can get booster packs, you just have a higher chance the higher level you are.
  9. erik

    erik MG Donor

    Hit me on steam when ur free... just some questions about this whole jig...