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Forum partially back online

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by marvel, Apr 30, 2011.

  1. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Ok so, the forum is back online right now, store, stats etc still don't work. A server harddisk got malfunctioned so I had to remove it from the RAID-set and rebuilt the entire server because I don't have the capacity right now to go there and replace it.

    Anyway's, feel free to post as long as a new attack doesn't start.
  2. Syd

    Syd Member

    Great, the forum is back.
    Marvel this malfunction u mentioned will afect any data of the servers and players stats? Do u have any estimate to fix it?

    Dont mind about the attacks, your work isnt good until someone try to attack it, keep up the good work! gg!
  3. KoopA

    KoopA MG Donor

    it won't affect
  4. Tsunami

    Tsunami Senior Member

    Wait, did the forum got dossed too?
  5. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Yes it did. And next to that a harddrive crashed so I had to rebuilt the entire server.

    But site is 100% online again right now.
  6. Tsunami

    Tsunami Senior Member

    But why would anyone ddos you?

    Also, is there any ETA on when the Points Reloaded EU server might come back online?
  7. davzee

    davzee <img src="http://mgftw.com/webdesigner.png" />

    Jealousy when combined with little to no social life can make people do sad sad petty things :ohwell: if it was just the one person they must be incredibly bitter....pitiful really lol