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FIXED - L4D2 Performance Issues

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by erik, Mar 11, 2013.

  1. erik

    erik MG Donor

    What in the world is going on?

    I've had this weird COOP issue lately when I play. My FPS shoots down to 20 or so, making it unplayable.

    I can have as low as 20 ping.

    The ONLY change/off-looking value is my FPS.

    Even on the US PRCO server (with < 5 players,) this happens. Symptoms are; freezing/lagging hard when I turn around as survivor... Freezing, having to CTRL+ALT+DEL out of L4D2...

    I can't figure out what's causing it. No process hogs or background services, no wierd settings for L4D2 that I can find.

    Seems ok in PR-VS, EU-VI, and L4D1-EU.

    I do not run downloads in the background, only the game.

    ANy ideas would be appreciated.
  2. erik

    erik MG Donor

    Thanks to Shake... I solved 70% of it. It was just stupid damn Firefox. I checked TaskManager adn it wasn't even hogging up that much memory or resources. It just seemed to disagree w/ the game.

    TY again Shake
  3. Angel

    Angel MG Donor

    Get Chrome instead :)
  4. Chocobo

    Chocobo <span style="color:#66CD00">Moderator</span>

    Hahahahahaha, I feel the exact opposite. I love it when my fps shoots UP to 20 fps. It's usually lower than that.
  5. erik

    erik MG Donor

    Truth be told, I just can't get comfortable with Chrome.

    Closing open browsers was a band-aid solution. I've narrowed it down to PR-COOP servers. Whenever I do something so simple as turn around or look behind me, it starts to lag. Then I hear a beatbox/loop of whatever current vocalization is playing then it freezes, have to CTRL+ALT+DEL out of it and restart the game/pc.

    The video card has something to do w/ the problem; the issue itself is similar to when the computer attempts to reset the display driver and doesn't recover from a timeout.

    Pissing me off. :(
  6. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

    I hate firefox.. but i hate chrome even more..

    my browser does the exact same thing. ( v18 ). Also when i open the game, alt + tab outside, and connect the server via sourcebans, the game crashes if it's not open but minimized.

    The good thing is, i got so much raw processing power that i barely notice anything other than some errors and bugs with L4D2 such as screwed up icons on map loading. (if i alt tab to firefox and back). Sometimes my fps actually drops bellow 60 if i have the browser open..

    but i will never move to chrome lol.
  7. erik

    erik MG Donor

    Exactly... what's so incompatible about L4D2 & Firefox? I can play games that require more resources from the video card than L4D2... Like Grand Theft Auto IV. I play it daily and never have problems. Doesn't make much sense...
  8. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

    Personally i use in-game browser quite a lot and i visit flash/java/javascript based sites regulary while in game..

    Meanwhile i have similiar content open in firefox so i guess they don't like each others.
  9. davzee

    davzee <img src="http://mgftw.com/webdesigner.png" />

    Their not incompatible i always leave firefox open while i play l4d no fps issues what so ever, although firefox is a massive memory hog when you've got a lot of multiple tabs open
  10. erik

    erik MG Donor

    Very true... I have at least 5 or 6 going all the time to conveniently multi-task MG stuff while gaming.

    lol I saw Firefox's usage was at 600,000 when Flash was having issues w/ Youtube earlier. God!

    Seriously, though, you have no issues while playing L4D2 & using Firefox?

    I concluded the issue isn't the servers or the game. It's my stupid video card.
  11. lukemurawski

    lukemurawski Senior Member

  12. tank

    tank MG Donor

    What gpu u use? i am still stucked with my old gtx260;40-50fps and no problem on medium settnigs;maybe u have video card problem?
  13. erik

    erik MG Donor

    NVIDIA GeForce 9500GT 512MB pos
  14. tank

    tank MG Donor

    your v.card was ok when u was playing l4d1,my 2,
    maybe its time for u the save some cash and buy new gpu, that what u use is very old like Bill (me included :))
    We are quite behind others guys here...
    gtx660 + good power supply (atleast 500w), gtx660 is very ok price now and u can enjoy new games to.:W
  15. davzee

    davzee <img src="http://mgftw.com/webdesigner.png" />

    5 or 6? Dude i constantly have at least 20+ open lol in fact i just counted and right now i have 62 open lmao, though i dont think the page actually loads until you've clicked on them but still....mines at 541K right now......still no fps issues

    But yeah multiple youtube pages sucks quite a lot of memory and i find facebook does too
  16. davzee

    davzee <img src="http://mgftw.com/webdesigner.png" />

    I remember when i had an 8800GT and it was the shit lol....how fast things become outdated these days
  17. erik

    erik MG Donor


    i can't believe my pc is like 6 or 7 years old. wtf

    i refuse to put more money into it and want to get as much mileage out of it as possible
  18. tank

    tank MG Donor

    Time goes 2 fast, we getinng old lol
    my 2,i build last pc in end 2008, i think i am just to lazy to build something new :) ( i blame weed)
  19. erik

    erik MG Donor

    i spent so much money a million years ago building this pc i refuse to put another dollar into it

    i blame old age
  20. Kakarot

    Kakarot Senior Member

    I'm still living the old age :okmeme: