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Firefox (refuse to use IE) display & interface issues after file cleanup.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by erik, Sep 24, 2012.

  1. erik

    erik MG Donor

    I had to cleanup some stuff on my computer and was really careful what not to clean. Long story short; when I view sites like Grooveshark.com, where I listen to my streaming music, and sometimes MGFTW.com/forums.php... ...I see white screen w/ blue hyperlinks. Is there something I should be just doing a Repair Installation or reinstallation of? Seems so obvious; can't put my finger on it atm. Help.
  2. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    I have that too some times and I'm using Chrome. I don't think it's a browser issue, it's more a proxy issue. We use a CDN for our website and sometimes when the page doesn't load completely you'll get the white screen and blue text, hitting F5 fixes it most of the times.
  3. e36

    e36 MG Donor

    DO you have NoScript or Request Policy add-ons? if you do I have to allow the site to get in. I try the site list about above with the add-ons turn on. I get the same result you did. But with them turn off, I the web page.
  4. e36

    e36 MG Donor

    Use Iron bowser, same as Chrome. it use the same engine to run the browser. What it doesn't have is the tracking id as chrome has.
  5. erik

    erik MG Donor

    Wow thanks guys

    Thanks SW & Marv. I LOVE Iron... I saw it in passing once cuz it was highly rated. Don't like chrome, but like that. Don't ask why. F5 (refresh) works; in firefox, if you zoom, you MUST hit CTRL+0 (zero) to reconfigure default view; FYI to those who have issues. You guys were right. I noticed a common denominator when this happens. There's a persistent "javacript 0" or void edit at the bottom. Hm.