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Fairy Tales

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Vulcan, Jul 26, 2012.

  1. Vulcan

    Vulcan Game Server Moderator

    By now everyone has heard of the shooting at the Batman Movie in Colorado. Everything the media is feeding us is a lie. The fact is that the shooter was completely covered in tactical gear and nobody can 100% identify him. What the media is not saying is that Mr. Holmes is indeed a Manchurian Candidate. Brainwashed and manipulated by very sophistocated psycho-electronic warfare devices. I immediately knew this whole thing was BS. Look at his recent photos, just like a guy who woke up from a bad dream wondering what happened.

    Fact: On July 27th Obama and Hillary will sign a gun treaty with the United Nations Nazi Security Council and Genocide/War Machine. They need to build support and get people to beleive guns are dangerous to pass the treaty.

    Fact: The Obama administration got busted red handed shipping the very guns they want to ban by the thousands to Mexican drug lords and other Mexican thugs in order to kill Americans causing an outrage so people would demand gun control before the July 27 treaty signing. The plan failed bacause they got popped so this is plan B.

    Fact: The very guns they wish to ban are the exact guns supposedly found on the shooter.

    Q: Where does an unemployed college student get the money for $10,000 in guns and ammo and tactical gear?

    A: The CIA or other government skullduggers like MK-Ultra, too hard to pinpoint

    Q: Why would he rig his apartment to explode and kill first responders then tell them about the bombs before they got there.

    Q: What would he have to gain from this?

    A: Nothing

    Q: Pro Bono, Who would have to gain from this?

    A: Obama and Hillary and the liberal, communist scumbags who have infiltrated our government many decades ago in collusion with the UN and their #1 priority is gun control and the destruction of America and the sovereignty of any country.

    All I am saying is don't jump on this modern day Lee Harvey Oswald as if he was the lone gunman or Timothy McVeigh being the one who actually blew up the Alfred P. Murrah building. The media is lying about everything.
  2. MarksmanR

    MarksmanR MG Donor

    I like it how they showed Saddam Hussein captured and killed, but they never showed Osama Bin Laden killed, they apparently quickly dumped his body at sea and also never photographed that.

    It's also so beautiful that despite Bin Laden's apparent death, America's still at war in Iraq, along with Australia and the U.K. helping out for no reason. Then when a soldier dies, it makes big dramatic news, but what can be expected? It's a war... people have lots of guns and bombs and try their hardest to kill eachother. :?
  3. ZombieGirl

    ZombieGirl Senior Member

    I read your message Vulcan and i'm totally flabbergasted,i really hope you are not serious.

    ''Fact: The Obama administration got busted red handed shipping the very guns they want to ban by the thousands to Mexican drug lords and other Mexican thugs in order to kill Americans causing an outrage so people would demand gun control before the July 27 treaty signing. The plan failed because they got popped so this is plan B.''

    You know your facts,but share all of them please.

    You do know Bush the republican already did this twice right?
    Operation wide receiver rings a bell?
    Majority of those guns where never found,leaving the killing rate under Americans from those guns unknown..

    Why bashing Obama for all sorts of stuff that Bush did already without any republicans bitching...
    Its like''Obama is black and no republican,get rid of him'' even though he is doing good work,cleaning up the BIG mess that Bush left..

    America and their guns...see the death rate of America in comparison to other country's.
    The shear fact you can walk around with a gun is COMPLETELY RIDICULOUS!!!!

    And the paranoia that comes with it...People (republicans)seriously think this shooting was staged so Obama can get his gun control laws trough.......seriously..

    Talking about paranoia...
    ''Manchurian Candidate. Brainwashed and manipulated by very sophistocated psycho-electronic warfare devices''
    I really hope you are joking about this,or seen the movie ''Mancurian Candidate'' to much.

    Don't say that stuff to loud in other country's cause you will be locked up for mental care.

    Republicans are scary,no compassion at all,only thinking of themselves and there bible,walking around with guns,saying the shoother is a mancurian candidate,just like the movie......they even believe fox news!
    The number 1 news that gets ridiculed all over the world!

    Some people in America should understand that walking around with a gun is not normal at all,in fact it is totally deranged.

    You can do it Obama!

    Save the Americans(republicans) from their own deranged thoughs.
  4. HighVolt@ge

    HighVolt@ge Senior Member

    I believe the name of this thread says something important...

    That being said, these kinds of conversations usually don't end well. There is a fine line between a flaming war an a strongly opinionated conversation.
  5. ZombieGirl

    ZombieGirl Senior Member

    As far as i can see he means that the media is ''feeding'' fairy tales.

    I would hope that the whole thing was meant as a fairytale but i don't think that is what he meant.