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Ever since I stopped playing L4D2 I focused on finishing school.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nerfarious, Oct 17, 2012.

  1. Nerfarious

    Nerfarious MG Donor

    I use to be a substitute leader for Left4dead2 guild named Umbrella Corp. I have suddenly disappeared a couple 6 months ago because of finishing school. I'm in school for game programming. My team and I decided to create a 2d side scroller on Unity. Next week I'm presenting this game to our deans. There were three other teams who also wrote a game from scratch. Each team had 16 weeks to come up with a game and now next week will be the 16 week.
    Here are some screenshots of the game. :D
    Here is the link to try out my team's Beta demo for the game.

    Everything is made from scratch. I was the technical artist and assistant programmer. The other team member is just an artist. Another team member is brains behind the operation. Without him the game wouldn't behave the way like it should.

    Let me know what you guys think :D. I'm still an amateur at programming because most of the enemies don't even move. The game is called Zeptoman. Megaman controls and shmup bosses. Have fun! This is the first game I ever helped programmed. I programmed most of the level and platforms. The rest is done by a different team member. I just need to study more and hopefully my skills will get better.

  2. CrazyRabbit

    CrazyRabbit Game Server Moderator

    I got the Unity tools to create a game too. In the process of doing the side scroller tutorial. It's pretty good, easy to use and you CAN make money when you sell your game, as long as you use royalty free stuff. I think I discovered it after needing to install the Unity player for the Family Guy website game.

    Good luck with the end of your project!


    Okay, I tried your game out.

    First. Using the mouse is hard in window mode (graphics look better in window vs fullscreen) because when using the mouse it's easy for it to lose focus of the game window. I had a couple of Explorer windows open and ended up almost bookmarking a random part of my hard drive because I clicked outside the game screen.

    Second. You should keep the "Enter" key for menu selections even when someone chooses the Mouse config. I couldn't work out why Enter (after using it several times to get through the menus) stopped working when trying to "Return" after changing to mouse config. I clicked the mouse button randomly and it worked.

    Third. Shooting on an angle would be awesome, or maybe you can link aiming to where the mouse is pointing? A way to do this might be to look at the Angry Robots project included with the Unity tools, you control your aim direction using the mouse. Not sure if you can put that in your 2D version or not. It would just be more natural that all gun controls were linked to the mouse if using the mouse config.

    Fourth. After doing the tutorial I knew a lot more about how to play. You should make it the first option on the menu... maybe like this:


    Overall, it has lots of promise and looks very solid. Making a couple of changes here/there could make it much better.
  3. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

    Gonna test this out now :D

    edit: Epic :D for fullscreen, press Alt + Enter
  4. CrazyRabbit

    CrazyRabbit Game Server Moderator

    F1 works too. Fullscreen mode, the textures are stretched and I wanted to test both modes which is why the window mode is a problem.