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EU VI Charger

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Vulcan, Jun 27, 2012.

  1. Vulcan

    Vulcan Game Server Moderator

    I don't know how long it will last but I just wanted everyone to know that the steerable charger is back in EU VI. I played a bit last night and it is a real hoot. With some practice you can actually flip a 180 or run around in circles with the survivor. I hope this will boost attendance and play of lesser played maps like Swamp Fever where there are wide open spaces. It might be necessary to bring fire bullets back.
  2. HighVolt@ge

    HighVolt@ge Senior Member

    As an infected or survivor,, this thing is hilarious to watch... Its RIDICULOUSLY fun as long as there isnt a full (or even close) server. Depending on the map, down right impossible to finish. Things could be adjusted tho.... Time will tell

    Just for shits an giggles, could we add a few more digits to the charger duration setting that extends the length of the charge(by more digits, I mean A CRAZY AMOUT OF digits,, like x10 from what it is PLEASE)? Seriously, i wanna go all out with this an see if I can charge from saferoom to saferoom :trollface: . Atleast for a day or two, pretty please? :eyebrows:

    LEGEND Senior Member

    Phew it's good to know that it's okay. Hopefully the attendance will pickup :)

    LEGEND Senior Member

    Thinking about it.

    Still thinking about it.

    Thought about it...

    No. :)
  5. HighVolt@ge

    HighVolt@ge Senior Member

    AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW, your no fun at all today :P lol :)
  6. Cunner

    Cunner MG Donor

    A steerable charger, that sounds wicked! i know u want more people on VI but that would be a hoot on PR VS for a try. you could like charge sumbody, kinda windup running around and an epic death charge, hahaha. it would be tricky but fun, lots of fails i would think. great idea for the charger though, i'll probably check it out on VI for a try!:smiley-happy055:
  7. lukemurawski

    lukemurawski Senior Member

    PR 1.3 has a Charger Steer system, but I intentionally did not code the ability to rotate your camera (i.e. viewport) so that you can only charge parallel to the initial velocity axis. In other words, you can sidestep while charging, but you can't turn. If I had added in turning, then it would become chaos in a mod like PR.

    Legend, I tried out your steering plugin, and it was excellent! :)
  8. m0t0k1

    m0t0k1 Junior Member

    Yes charger steering works perfectly, one time i killed 3 survivors with one charger. But i dont't like it. It fucks op the balance on most maps even more then fire bullits. When you have 2 people on a team who can charger steer good the other team is going to get raped. Like for example in the sacrefice on the second map you can be charged from the safe house to the water wich is way far. I have seen people rage because i have done that. or in the final in dead centre i charged somebody from the 3rd floor to the 1st floor way in the back behind obstacles. people never got to save the poor guy and he raged. I know it looks funny and i laugh too sometimes. but one of the reasons i visited the mg servers so much is because they didnt have this bs plug in. I for one hope it is going to be removed.
  9. dreamofdevil68

    dreamofdevil68 Game Server Moderator

    Totally agreed.
  10. Vulcan

    Vulcan Game Server Moderator

    My verdict is still on the fence as if we should keep the charger, I think it is too early to pass total judgement. Yes it is overpowered and really sucks to get chargered far and people rage. However we must remember that each team has this advantage when it comes their turn and everyone enjoys taking their turn at it. Perhaps bringing back single clips of fire bullets might be prudent.