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EU Suicide Blitz 2 WEEKEND!!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by marvel, Jun 11, 2011.

  1. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    We will be running 20 player COOP Suicide Blitz on our EU server for the whole weekend!

    Download the map:

    mirror 1: http://mgftw.com/suicideblitz2.tar.gz (U need WinRAR to unpack it).
    mirror 2: http://www.l4dmaps.com/mirrors.php?file=9754

    Unpack, double click the VPK to install. That's it!

    Server: (Amsterdam)

    Come and play! :)

    Oh and one more thing, buying health items has been disabled and there are some strong infected ;)
  2. bloodhand

    bloodhand MG Donor

    nice idea marvel :)
    good thing to disable !buy, so ppl must cooperate more
    thank you
  3. MEV

    MEV Member

    some good prizes? :)
  4. Wolf O'Donnell

    Wolf O'Donnell Senior Member

    Yes!! This campaign is awesome!
  5. Nova

    Nova Senior Member

    Very long and interesting campaign, I had lots of fun when we went through it.

    The football tank and the cheering glove melee was awesome!

    Love it!
  6. Halcyon

    Halcyon Senior Member

    Can we do this again this weekend? I missed it last time and Valve is making this the featured campaign today anyway.
  7. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Sure why not I'll bring it up :)
  8. Authentic

    Authentic Member

    maybe you can also consider putting it up on one of the us coop servers, cause i can imagine 200-400 ping a turn off for some people that enjoys this map.