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EU server migration

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by marvel, Jun 14, 2011.

  1. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Hi all,

    Somewhere tonight (CET) we will move our EU server from the Vaxon network to Leaseweb. The hardware and connection will be upgraded as well (1 gbps instead of 100 mbps).

    The current EU server will only go down when the new one is up and running so there will be no downtime, however this change means that the EU servers will get new IP's as well. We will update them in sourcebans, hlstatsx and gametracker.

    I will update this post with more info when available.
  2. Nova

    Nova Senior Member


    From what I remember, these are improved servers. So we'll have a faster traffic and a better connection. Can't wait till it's over so we can try them out. :D

    LEGEND Senior Member

    Repeating posts D:
  4. Tsunami

    Tsunami Senior Member

  5. Nova

    Nova Senior Member

    Just remembering from that other post when we had the DDoS attack, and the Vaxon problems :).
    joerve and marvel mentioned the migration to a better service provider :D
  6. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    I still need to do a lot of work for the migration so it will be delayed until tomorrow evening :)
  7. Collector

    Collector <img src="http://mgftw.com/leadweb.png" />

    in what way will the hardware be upgraded? faster CPU and more memory? or are you going from WS 2003 to WS 2008?
  8. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    lol no, I'm going from Gentoo Linux 2010 to Gentoo Linux 2011 ;)

    Bandwidth goes from 100 mbps to 1 gbps
    Drives go from 1x 1 TB to 4x 4 TB RAID5.
    CPU's are about the same, dual quad core xeon only a bit more cache and speed.
  9. Collector

    Collector <img src="http://mgftw.com/leadweb.png" />

    cache is what we need and more memory :) dont think the Gentoo version will matter much for improvement.

    ofcourse the bandwidth will help a lot for not EU people. and i guess the Raid 5 has always been Raid 5 :)
  10. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Well don't expect a lot of improvements on the performance side, the Vaxon machine was already a very heavy machine but the line was not reliable. So in terms of that we should see a huge improvement :)
  11. Collector

    Collector <img src="http://mgftw.com/leadweb.png" />

    i like nice steady pings.most important thing playing a multiplayer game hehe. will it even be a 2x 1g line?:cool2: hehe

    Nice work on the upgrade and i think more people will like the less lagg moments during the game :)