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EU gameserver down suffering from large scale DDoS attack.

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by marvel, Apr 24, 2011.

  1. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Hi all,

    Our host provider Vaxon has contacted us. A large scale DDoS (packet storm) attack from hunderds of different IP's has been launched yesterday evening against our EU, USA and Hongkong gameservers. At this point the attack is still ongoing and the EU server remains down. USA and Hongkong are back online and didn't seem to be affected for long.

    Vaxon worked with two engineers around the clock to filter out the bad traffic and they are currently still battling to keep their network online. For us it's not that bad since we run only a gameserver but there are a lot of other customers affected as well who use their servers for critical business processes so this is very serious. The attacker is responsible for thousands of euros of damage already and I'll hope they do everything they can to track him down.

    This will probably mean that our server will be removed from their network, and we need to find another host provider for the European servers. I'm currently working on this so it could take a while before we are back online and when we will it will probably be with another host.

    More updates later.
  2. L1teHawk

    L1teHawk Senior Member

  3. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

    Well, they havent kicked us yet :p
  4. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    They probably will, I'm just waiting for that. They suffered major damage which will cost more than the money I pay them in 2 years .
  5. HonorCode

    HonorCode Head Administrator Staff Member

    But is not our fault, they should had had some protection against these kind of attacks. <8)
  6. Nova

    Nova Senior Member

    Why would anyone want to launch a DDoS attack against game servers :S
  7. joerve

    joerve Senior Member

    I don't know, maybe he didn't get a tricycle when he was 4?
  8. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Well I must agree with bloodhand now, EU is kind a laggy at the moment :)
  9. Nova

    Nova Senior Member

    lol @joe
    Honor is right though, it's up to the service provider to protect their network. How can it be in the service contract that they hold the right to cancel contracts due to unwanted behavior or attacks ?

    Either way though, if they do want to stop providing for MG, then it's probably best to go to better providers, I guess.
  10. joerve

    joerve Senior Member

    Well for us its no problem, we are already discussing moving the server to a highspeed network so ddos won't affect us anymore.

    Its those businesses on vaxon network that suffered major damage. I would advice them to track him down and let him pay up.
  11. Nova

    Nova Senior Member

    Well true, but technically, everyone is a customer, and they can't refuse to provide services to a customer.
    But if you do move the server, I suppose it can only be for the better :).

    Let's hope for them that they find the culprit responsible for the damage that was inflicted
  12. KoopA

    KoopA MG Donor

    is that means there will be a stats/points reset?

    It's crazy that they don t got protection against that oO
  13. L1teHawk

    L1teHawk Senior Member

    No, stats and points will be fine.
  14. Jimmy Gibbs

    Jimmy Gibbs Junior Member

    Hello, this is my first post. But since no one know the answer i would like to ask it here. Before the DDOS atack on EU servers, i was lvl 81 and i had all buff slots, but now i am lvl 70 and i have only 9 buff slots instead of 14 enabled, and some points are gone but this is not that important. Is there a possibility thats stats will be restored again?

    Edit: I must say that i played on brasilian servers, maybe because of that it shown me the wrong stats.
  15. Vulcan

    Vulcan Game Server Moderator

    Jimmy, your stats have nothing to do with the attack. That is because the stats were set back to an earlier timeline because they were not working at all and it was the only way to fix it and no your points will not be restored. I lost 30,000 points but it sure beats 0 which was the other option. Looks like you are gonna have to start choppin'

    KLINGON Junior Member

    That probably explains the horrendous lag the EU VI server was suffering from the preceding week.

    Hope the servers are coming back soon, no l4d2 without MG for me.