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Escort the VIP! New on Mixed Mode

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by marvel, Jun 25, 2011.

  1. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Based very loosely on the old standby 'Escort the VIP' from CSS, this version has you protecting a teammate while trying to make the saferoom.

    This is for versus gameplay, so both teams get a try.

    • When the first player leaves the saferoom or start area, a random player is selected to be the president. (You can make it truly random, or exclude players that were it in previous rounds)
    • The president can move faster than the other players (120%).
    • The president can has more health than the other players (150%)
    • The President only has a magnum.
    • The President cannot carry a medkit, or heal himself. He can still take pills and adrenaline
    • The damage to the president is also dealt to all team members (10%)
    • The president will have his skin color changed, and he will have a flashing custom glow color around him.
    • If the president dies, you have a limited time to defib him before the entire team dies also(60 seconds).


    Have fun! Untested btw ;)
  2. Hazemberg

    Hazemberg Senior Member

    I kinda tested the server with Legend, but sounds nice, I'll join the server soon.
  3. Chocobo

    Chocobo <span style="color:#66CD00">Moderator</span>

    Sounds fun! I might have to take a break of PR to play it :)
  4. joerve

    joerve Senior Member

    It is fun if those mixmode noobs understand it.

    4 rushed to the saferoom leaving the VIP to die lol
  5. Wanted

    Wanted MG Donor

    yeah i played on that server.i karma slap VIP and other survivors rush to saferoom.nobody go to defib VIP then all die after 60 sec lol
  6. MadBalls

    MadBalls Guest

    This mod sounds fun i will have to give it ago see what it is like.

    LEGEND Senior Member

    Yaaaaaaaaaaay! Thx alot marvel!
  8. Vulcan

    Vulcan Game Server Moderator

    This is one I might enjoy, anything but the PR stuff for me. DAMMIT I LOVE VI, EU or USA I don't care, it is the next best thing to massive gargantuan boobs.