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Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Lass, and the pepsi., May 23, 2011.

  1. Pics taken this morning on my BlackBerry ... low quality though =\



    LEGEND Senior Member

    Can I move to your house?
  3. come to a vacation!!!

    Two americans came last week! one from pitsburg (i'm not sure how to spell it) and his girlfriend from washington! it was great!

    just tell me when u coming :D

    LEGEND Senior Member

    OK will do :D
  5. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

    Wowow.. count me in legend :p
  6. Nova

    Nova Senior Member

    I'll gladly come too, but I'll kick you out when I get there and keep the keys.
  7. hahaha

    i'll have some key copies just for safety then haha :P
  8. Chocobo

    Chocobo <span style="color:#66CD00">Moderator</span>

    I think I will be joining as well :)

    Do I feel the first official MG Vacation coming on?
  9. Vulcan

    Vulcan Game Server Moderator

    Been there, it could have been better because I was on semi restriction from the previous port. US Navy. What I remember most is going out to eat and there was a bowl of hardboiled pigeon eggs instead of chips and salsa and the butter was very strong tasting. I only got 4 hours on land because I was in trouble for an alcohol related incident in the previous port but I know there is a lot of fun to have there. I bought a jewelry box with metallic blue butterfly wings under the glass. If I had more time I would have got a hooker.
  10. Chicken hearts are delicious, i luv them... too many colesterol thoughh :p

    I totally agree with a First MG Official Trip - Welcome to Rio :D

    But it has to be on summer or spring, it's prettier
  11. L1teHawk

    L1teHawk Senior Member

    Oh man, this is one place I must visit :P
  12. The Real Youngblood

    The Real Youngblood Game Server Moderator

    Very nice. Looks like a great place to visit.

    Vulcan - you were on land for 4 hours! How much more time did you need for a hooker? hehe....probably would have gone with the hooker instead of a jewelry box. I'm just saying.
  13. Wolf O'Donnell

    Wolf O'Donnell Senior Member

  14. Nova

    Nova Senior Member

    I'll also repaint the house, make a few changes, and have the locks renewed :P.
    Your house is as good as mine.
  15. Wolf O'Donnell

    Wolf O'Donnell Senior Member

    I'll come with legend :P
  16. Mr Zombie

    Mr Zombie Senior Member

    Looks Awesome, On my way see you in 6 hours ;P
  17. Scoep

    Scoep Member

    Oh my Brazilian Brazil. *-*

    beautiful photos. xD