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Dead Island -TIPS and ADVICES

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by smokke1982, Sep 8, 2011.

  1. smokke1982

    smokke1982 Banned

    Oki..so, as most of you have noticed I have been kinda A.W.L from the VS and Extreme. Reason is simple DEAD ISLAND. Since i have finished the game already (no cheats, just 2 days of almost 12 hours playing....yeah, no life, so what?) I made this thread to give some tips/advices to the people that will start/just stared playing it. Feel free to add more tips/advices

    • CHARACTERS - when choosing a char, go for one that specializes on blunt/sharp (Sam B or Logan). Firearms are scarce and ammo is even harder to find. Purna (the firearms chick) is good starting with act 2 (that is when you get the blue-prints for pistol ammo. All you need for that is bleach and scrap metal - 2 of each i think). So, if you go for PURNA - STOCK UP ON BLEACH AND SCRAP METAL. You can find sharp/blunt weapons almost everywhere on the island.
    • STOCK UP ON MELEE WEAPONS - Most of the melee weapons you find early in the game are crap. So stock up on them. Unless their name appears to be in a different color, my opinion is that they aren't worth upgrading. Better stock on them and throw them away when done. Repairing them is a hassle and a waste of money.
    • CHARACTER UPGRADING - This is up to you...My approach was to upgrade my slots and lock picking first. Then melee durability and repair costs or simple/modified weapons. I am still working on the fury stuff (barely upgraded on that one)
    • FIGHTING - DO NOT GO HEAD FIRST INTO A GROUP OF ZOMBIES. What works for me was to fight no more than 2 zombies. Kick them till they are down and then either stomp their heads when the icon appears or aim fpr the head with your melee. Also, WHEN POSSBLE, FIGHT THEM IN WATER. As soon as you kick them down they start drowning, and all you have to do is kick each one once or twice and keep them down(works for larger groups as well)
    • THUGS - KEEP AWAY FROM THEM - if possible, look for objects to throw at them. I know, it takes a longer time just to pick up a box/propane tank and hurl it at the thug..but remember, THE THUG CAN KILL YOU WITH 2 SWINGS. When you get molly's save a few just for thugs. It works...it's not like L4D2 Molly's but works.
    • ZOMBIES LEVELING - As you level up, so do the zombies. They will be 1-2 lvls under you and they will have a shitload of hp
    • FIREARMS - If possible, avoid the AK-74 (Full auto rifle). Reason? it mimics the Real Life AK-47 completely. INCLUDING THE MUZZLE CLIMB WHEN FIRING IN FULL AUTO. If you do insist on it. then i recommend 2 things. One is aim at the legs. Muzzle climb will make your aim to go up when firing. One alternative would be to fire bursts while dragging your mouse downward when firing. It will keep it a bit stable. Also, FIRE FROM CROUCH POSITION. Second advice is to mod your rifle with the Rifle-Shock Mode something. It will send the zombies you shoot dancing
    • PISTOLS/REVOLVERS/SHOTGUN - always aim for the head. IF the name of the gun appears in purple/orange/blue, then it's worth upgrading. A shotgun blast to the face will do a helluva lot of damage to the zombies/thugs. Right now i have the "Slaughtering magnum" equipped and does 1017+256 damage/shot. It takes me about 3-4 bullets to the face to terminate a lvl 44 walker.
    • STOCK UP ON ITEMS - stock, stock, stock. Don't go rambo on the quests. Explore every corner of the island. Stock up on stuff needed for weapons modding. Sell whatever you don't need from your inv. Weapon repairs/upgrades get more and more expensive. If you do wanna have at least a gun in your inventory, STOCK ON BLEACH AND SCRAP METAL (used to make ammo for pistols)
    • MOLLY's and EXPLOSIVE/INCENDIARY GRENADES - Hold on/stock them as much as you can. Use them only as a last resort. In act 2 you have the straight-jacket dude. He is immune to melee/bullets from the front. You have to be behind him to do damage. My strategy with them is to set them on fire, and when they charge, move at the last second. They will hit and obstacle and stop giving you about 4-5 seconds to shoot/melee their behinds. Just make sure you do not corner yourself and have plenty of manoeuvre space when the SJ guy is near
    • DEATH - TRY NOT TO DIE TO OFTEN - Every time you die, you wait 7 seconds for a res-pawn and lose about 10% of your money.

    I will add more as soon as i can remember them :)
  2. Raised in Hell

    Raised in Hell Senior Member

    This game will unlock for me in just under an hour .. can't wait to play this game. I feel like a child who is over excited about some new toy :horn:
  3. The Real Youngblood

    The Real Youngblood Game Server Moderator

    Thanks for the tips. Couple of quick questions....Have you played multiplayer and is mp any good? Also, 2 full days of play time is a little short, in just my opinion. Do you feel the game is worth the price or should we wait until the price comes down?
  4. smokke1982

    smokke1982 Banned

    • COOP worked for me only on the 6th. I was with Rundat and Ami-li for about a hour. Good part on that is that you can do multiple quests and they count for all players (i did a sidequest, ami did one and both counted for each of us). After that it was down, and by the time they fixed it I was way ahead ingame and lvl for MGFTW people that play it (right now i am 45, i think)
    • MP is good when fighting Thugs (at least in the beginning) or unique zombies (floaters have a shit-ton of hp, same with butchers and the straight-jacked dude). Strength in numbers does make a difference, cause you can hit-retreat easier.
    • i did not do all the side-quests (did only the ones that gave weapons and lots of xp) so 2 days (about 8-10 h/day) was not a bad time. Now i am doing it again, with the same char but now i will take it slow and ultra explore
    • game is oki...i would say wait a bit till they fix all the glitches. Even with patch 2 there are a few more issues
  5. fatal precision

    fatal precision Junior Member

    I only got two hours on this game :(, damn me and me trying to do well in school.
  6. smokke1982

    smokke1982 Banned

  7. atreyucore

    atreyucore Senior Member

    yay today was the first day and im lvl14 or 15 now. Played with rundat, airborn and bunion for a little bit. MP works now. I wish i could do more damange or make my damn melees last longer.
  8. smokke1982

    smokke1982 Banned

    Noobs.....I am 45...ROFL...who wants to play with me tonight? I get home in about 1 hour :)
  9. atreyucore

    atreyucore Senior Member

    well u did start 2-3 days before me lol. I just barely started today
  10. fatal precision

    fatal precision Junior Member

    PROTIP: When first acquiring a flaming baseball bat, stay away from the ensuing flaming zombies sure to follow.
  11. BunionClad

    BunionClad Guest

    Lol SMokke is trying to give tips. Also fyi I found the strongest rifle in game, stronger than the legendary one I gave you.
  12. Raised in Hell

    Raised in Hell Senior Member

    I fucking hate that game coz i keep loosing my best weapons. I lost an awesome weapon which did 3k damage which bunion gave me and it disappeared fuck knows where. I didn't even throw it and that's my second best weapon i lost so screw this game ..
  13. atreyucore

    atreyucore Senior Member

    i lost my left hand of glova and had to make another one lol
  14. smokke1982

    smokke1982 Banned

    Oki..for those who are stuggling with the game. there is a free mod out there called AK for everyone 3.0 that will help you a bit.

    Here is the description


    if anyone needs it. The only crappy thing about it is that is sensitizes your aim via iron sights like crazy and there isn't a thing you can do about it....
  15. Raised in Hell

    Raised in Hell Senior Member

    This game is easy. I finished it 2nd time but this time i did all of the main/side quests apart from 4-5 which only gave Cash or a weapon which i already had.