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Dead Island problem :(

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by HoTGuN, Sep 18, 2011.

  1. HoTGuN

    HoTGuN MG Donor

    I just strated playing dead island yesterday, I'm lvl 4 but when I am playing sometimes my game crash or sometimes it stops and then keep playing :(.
    Can someone help me with this?
  2. Nova

    Nova Senior Member

    What error do you get and can you give your PC config
  3. HoTGuN

    HoTGuN MG Donor

    It doesnt say error it just crash and says "Dead Island stop working" I have dead Island with all in minimum and i have a GeForce 280 2x and an i7.
  4. Raised in Hell

    Raised in Hell Senior Member

    What do you mean by it stops and keeps playing? Do you get some sort of a black/white screen but can only hear the sound? My game did crash a couple of times but apart from that, i can run this game smoothly without any problems.
  5. HoTGuN

    HoTGuN MG Donor

    When I ment stop and keeps playing I ment to, it crashes and like 5 secs later it works again. And sometimes it crashes completely and says Dead Island isnt working.
  6. Raised in Hell

    Raised in Hell Senior Member

    hmmm, i would check if your computer can actually play the game so go on this site and choose dead island and check if ur pc meets the minimum requirement or not..

  7. HoTGuN

    HoTGuN MG Donor

  8. HoTGuN

    HoTGuN MG Donor

    Anything I can do???
  9. Raised in Hell

    Raised in Hell Senior Member

    That seems fine.. So how often does it crash? If it is rare then i wouldn't worry too much about it but if it happens a lot then there could be couple of reasons why it happens ..

    1) Your video card may be weak, i'm saying this because u said it stops and plays again
    2) Could be a corrupt file (not very likely to be the reason)
    3) unsuccessful overclock of GPU (if you overclocked it)

    Make sure u have the latest/stable drivers for your graphics card.
  10. HoTGuN

    HoTGuN MG Donor

    Every 2-5 mins.
    They are 2x 280 in SLI enhancement with all the drivers and patchs up to today.
    I've validated like 5 times Dead Island files in Steam and says "Every file was succesfully validated"
    I've never overclocked it, its like I bought it (no modifications)
  11. Ami-Lilian

    Ami-Lilian MG Donor

    Sometimes heat can be the cause of games crashing. Had this ever happen to you in other games?
  12. HoTGuN

    HoTGuN MG Donor


    If this comment works: I downloaded it in Spanish so... do that affect the game?
  13. Raised in Hell

    Raised in Hell Senior Member

    Every 2-5 mins a lot and that is not normal. Something is definitely wrong. Check your gpu temp as ami mentioned, is it getting really hot or above the limit?
  14. Raised in Hell

    Raised in Hell Senior Member

    I don't think the language should have any problems. It has to be something else..
  15. HoTGuN

    HoTGuN MG Donor

    Anyways, I'm downloading it again in English......
  16. Raised in Hell

    Raised in Hell Senior Member

  17. Nova

    Nova Senior Member

    Remove SLI, and it should work
  18. HoTGuN

    HoTGuN MG Donor

    Tried with/without and its the same
  19. HoTGuN

    HoTGuN MG Donor

  20. Raised in Hell

    Raised in Hell Senior Member

    do what nova said . Use only 1 GPU and play DI for 3-5 hours and see if ur game crashes or not