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DayZ has too many cheaters (did some research).

Discussion in 'DayZ Servers' started by marvel, Jul 26, 2012.

  1. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    I was always wondering when I played DayZ why people always tend to see me first, or people see me but I never see them. Figured I was just a noob, I'm usually like: that guy probably followed me or, he's better than me etc. which is probably true with most of my deaths in this game though.

    So no, I don't consider myself a great DayZ player but I've put a lot of hours into this game so I know I'm at least above average but the way I got killed the last couple of times made me really suspicious that a lot of people are not playing fair.

    So, I decided to do some research, and find out for myself how easy it is to cheat with DayZ. I did this before with other games, like BF3 but most of the online cheats for those games are private, you need to pay, you need to know your people etc. They're not easy to come by, they are definitely not public because if they would, EA finds out about it and immediately plugs the hole.

    This is an entire different story with DayZ. DayZ has one active developer, named Rocket. The only thing Rocket does right now is writing hotfixes to fix some of many bugs in DayZ, release them and introduce a couple of more new bugs for every old bug he fixed.

    One patch that should fix a few bugs takes him a long time, sometimes up to 2 weeks or longer so there is no way for him to battle cheaters at the same time, although cheating is what's killing the game so that should be DayZ' main concern right now, not the 'zombies can't hear you when you fire a gun' type of bugs.

    So to make a long story short, I started 'googling' for 'DayZ Cheats' and this is what I had about 20 minutes later.

    A chopper (or any other vehicle you would like):


    A full ammobox with every items available in DayZ, times 100, and as many boxes as you would like.


    A map with all player and vehicle locations (Dynamic, auto-updates every second)


    So yeah I was pretty shocked cheating was that easy, I can't believe I've put days, even weeks into this game playing it fair and then come to this conclusion. Believe me there are no DayZ servers without cheaters.

    These cheats don't work on all servers, on some (including ours) you get kicked for trying to run client scripts (there are other ways though) but it works on most servers so it's really easy to join a server which is hosted by an incompetent admin, spawn an ammobox, gear up, let your data save to the hive and then join your regular server again. Chances for you to get caught if you cheat like this are practically zero right now and if you do get caught, just buy a new cd key and be more careful next time.....

    I'm not a cheater btw, this was purely research I'm not gonna use this again, in fact you probably won't see me playing this anymore until the War Z gets released.
  2. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member


    The hackers can also have such menus to troll around in the servers.


    This is exactly why i only play when im asked to join by friends.. i usually never play alone lol
  3. lukemurawski

    lukemurawski Senior Member

    There are also velocity scripts that can fling players around and there are HUD modifications that show a name tag for all the players on the map. There are scripts which will give your PC a fake GUID to bypass any ban by BattlEye. In fact, there are so many cheats for this game that it's literally unplayable without cheating yourself.
  4. CrazyRabbit

    CrazyRabbit Game Server Moderator

    The sad thing is, Rocket works at Bohemia Interactive on Arma 3. The Arma 2 dev's all moved on from Arma 2 to work on Arma 3 and all the beta patches are just fixes for the DayZ mod and other things the Arma 2 dev's might manage to patch into the beta at the same time.

    With War Z not far from being released (and looking like it's using the Unreal Engine?), it will be something to keep an eye on. If they want to have servers with 250 people, they will have to put a lot of effort into it to keep the cheaters out. I'm going to assume you will have to sign in to a main server (like you do in APB Reloaded where you can use your Steam Login, or most EA multiplayer games).

    Arma has always been a haven for cheaters, but it was never very often you got a cheater on a server because the game wasn't very popular. When DayZ arrived and made Arma 2 one of the best selling Steam games in less than a few weeks, it caused Arma 2 to become the cheaters paradise that it is.

    While they built in some good anti-piracy fading/crap-aim technology, they failed to make it so their scripts couldn't bypass the bi.sign key. Hopefully they do better with Arma 3 and War Z will be it's own entity where we can play our zombie survival mmo.
  5. cry

    cry MG Donor

    this just means only one thing. DayZ is a crap game. The people from unkowncheats are no script kids, they are the people who find bugs in games and exploit them with assemly or c++ knowledge. I can only declare these people smart developers.

    Besides that, the arma 2 game uses the real virtuality engine, which is, just like the unreal engine, crap at anti cheating. Developing a hack of whatever kind is easy to achieve on a game like this, people use visual basic to do that.

    You shouldn't blame the cheaters. There is no sense in doing that because they will only laugh about us getting mad about them. The cheaters are low people, which have no skill and no dignity. The developers of the game should be blamed, for unsignificant knowledge of building a proper running and protected game. I am not protecting the cheaters in this case. I am stating the fact about the game and game developers.
  6. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

    Their forums is full of kiddies asking for scripting support and pre-made script loaders from those "smart developers" and that's exactly what those kids get from them.

    Thats why i call them scripters.
  7. cry

    cry MG Donor

    That be true, the mass of people asking for scripts are script kiddies :P I Thought you meant also the hack release people, they develop these things...
  8. The Maniac

    The Maniac MG donor

    A few years ago I played Warrock a lot and the same thing happend. So I cheated myself, buts thats the past and I won't do it again these days. But it is really sad when a great game went this way and they have such lazy anti cheat engins like battleye or punkbuster in case of warrock.
    But I will continue playing dayz, hoping for the best...