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DayZ Crowbar 1on1 Tournament

Discussion in 'DayZ Servers' started by Korni, Dec 3, 2012.

  1. Korni

    Korni Junior Member

    Date: Sun Dec 16 16:00 2012
    Few minutes after a server restart
    If we prepare really quick we can do it 9 Dec :)

    Location: TBA

    Entrance fee: A Crossbow or 4 steelbolts

    - 16 participants
    - 1 participant per clan/group.
    - Crowbar is the only weapon and item besides a bandage
    - You can bandage yourself and regain blood after winning a duel
    - No firearms, backpacks at the party place (you can leave your gear near entrance)
    - No eating/drinking durning a duel
    - Free drinks and food at the party
    - Duel will be held on a designated area surrounded by a wire fence
    - Runaway means losing the duel
    - Gladiators wear civilian clothing
    - If both players die - noone is a winner, the player who waits to fight with a winner from this duel wins automatically
    - Place to keep your gear until next server restart if you don't have one (We take no responibility for missing gear)
    - After tourney all defeated players will be taken to take their stuff if needed.

    UAZ with some nice gear.

    If you want to participate, have some ideas or want to help - reply to this message
  2. JorisK

    JorisK Day Z Admin

    lol this is the first competition ever on the server :)

    I like the idea :)