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Database issues - Update

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by marvel, Aug 9, 2012.

  1. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    We've had some DB issues when PR 1.3 was launched. It was causing DB corruption to the EU game server database which caused some people to lose their stats.

    While the plugin issues are not entirely fixed yet, the database issues are. All slave databases are now in read-only mode (like it should have been) which means that even if a plugin is bugged, no database corruption can occur any longer.

    However, like I said PR 1.3 is not completely fixed yet, so this means there is a possibility (or a certainty) that your stats won't travel over maps when you play PR v1.3 and that your earnings (EXP, points etc.) of 1 map will be gone on the next one.

    That is the worst thing that could happen though and I don't think that's a big deal for now so that's why we'll let 1.3 run so people can already get familiar with it.

    We will now begin to restore stats for people that lost them, if you are one of them please post here:


    Thanks for your patience!

    ps. Some store orders have been delayed because of this, they will be processed asap as well.