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Couple of updates!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by marvel, Apr 27, 2011.

  1. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    So, couple of updates.

    First of all, there's a bug in our database configuration which is pretty major. To solve this we will need to shutdown all gameservers for an hour or so. I'll try to do this tomorrow evening. So yes, more downtime for now I'm afraid but this fix is to make it all better and more stable in the future. Some people losing levels or get their stats reset are a couple of things caused by this bug. Corrupted db's is another one.

    Next, there's no update on the EU host - yet. The good news is that the hoster allows us to stay with them so I have hope it will be up soon, maybe 1 or 2 days. I asked them for a status update on it so hopefully I can confirm this soon. We will still go on with the new server anyway btw. A little extra capacity never hurted anyone for that matter :) The ddossed IP-address will probably be blackholed so we might get new IP ranges for EU so check back here or on our forum to find the latest information on that.

    Then there's Hong Kong, Ah yes. I feel a bit ashamed for delevering such a crappy server to the people in that region so the current server will be replaced by a new one.

    This server is quicker, better and has everything the current one doesn't have so it should be a HUGE improvement. No more nasty timeouts and much better ping for players over there. ETA: Somehwere tomorrow after the SQL maintenance.

    Australia, same ballpark. That server well....just sucks. It will be replaced as well - soon (you'll notice :P).

    Brasil is a different story, it's quite an expensive server but it lacks players a bit caused by massive rage quiting. Might be because it runs Points Reloaded and we have a language barrier there. Now, we can try a Spanish version of that plugin but I'm already not really statisfied with the connection and hardware over there anyway. It's still contracted until the end of May though so meanwhile I'll find out if we can get a decent replacement somewhat more closeby the major capitals over there.

    That's about it for now!
  2. Bonekeep

    Bonekeep Guest

    When you say tomorrow evening Marvel, could you give me a time zone so we can figure out more or less when the shutdown will occur?

    Btw, regarding Brasil, I talked to a some of the players on one of the servers a few days after it was up just to get an idea of how it was going and several of them said they wished we had a VI server instead. Might just be chance that the ones I spoke to had that opinion, but might be worth considering since this would lower the language barrier. Maybe there aren't many L4D2 servers in the region, so a VI server might really standout there. Just a thought...
  3. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Maintenance didn't go on because of the attacks, I'll hope to do it this weekend but there's so much stuff I still need to fxi right now :/