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Coop expert

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by joerve, Jun 4, 2011.

  1. joerve

    joerve Senior Member

    Stefeman did a little spying on another popular coopserver and we are going to cloon this server as a test. It is very cool and I like it very much, what do you think?

    1. Zombies (SI, Commons, Witches, Tanks) grow stronger (More health and more damage) when player joins and weakens when player leaves.. (We could control this by total level of all players..)

    2. in game rank plugin (after helping team mate: "You have gained points and are in rank 1920 now") top players at THIS ranking system will be the ones who has gained most points by helping others and helping team or somehow doing tactical things.. not the ones who has biggest playtime..

    3. witches (about 10-20 invidual spawns per map)

    4. Friendly fire enabled (A plugin will control and detect and start voteban against team killer.)

    5. Larger panic events. (fits 20 players).

    6. more alarmed cars around

    7. people recieves more damage and dies between the maps and then gets spawned behind the doors.. So maps are more challenging and more teamplay needed.

    8. a plugin that tells from what country players are connecting form. This way players can tell, if someone is from same country as they are.

    9. Special infected are very deadly and sneaky, and deals more damage, so 20 players and respawning points are really needed to deal the special infected.. also pills and adrenalines around the map are very helpful

    10. SI drops pills and adrenalines when killed..

    11. the SI's are dangerous so everyone fears them so much, that people moves with "level defending" style from level to level.. to make sure, that the area is clear from zombies..

    12. everyone starts with only starting weapons.. (melee and pistols).. (All rifles are removed from some saferooms) not from all saferooms. so killing SI is really needed to get better weapons

    13. the server is under name "hardcore" which means, the server is extremely hard and targets good teamplayers with good teamwork skills.. people are basically trying to complete "near the impossible" and loves when the game is competing.

    14. Witches kills pretty fast and are feared, so when for example: players are moving through tunnel cutting theirselves through commons, and witch appears.. Everyone moves backwards quickly!

    15. Huge panic events starts randomly across the playing and then people will fall back.. and scream like they're having tons of fun.. like "RUUUN!" also, commons deals alot of damage.. like 10 damage each hit.

    16. There dosent have to be alot of SI, when a hunter can kill you full healthed in 5-7 seconds.. it's like our oldshcool berserker mode.. so even 20vs5 is fun..

    20. everyone laughes when they fails to complete the map and will try again, since it's not impossible, but hard and fun.

    21. The panic event's are classed as 2 types.. (Easy and hard ones..) The easy will spawn less commons and the hard will spawn more of them..

    22. Tank is not overpowered at all, and has no special powers, but incaps from 1 hit or 1 rock, and kills on second.. also, the tank dosent seem to be impossible to kill, and it dosent have alot of health.. maybe that normal 6k

    23. the commons have a litle more health than normaly..

    24. people are moving like in real apocalypse.. pipe bomb over the fence and wait.. then go..
    You could say, that it's Realistic feeling while playing in that server.. since nobody rushes and everyone moves as group.. otherwise it's a wipe..

    Also, new joining players wont rush because of the remaining player's wont rush either.. so the new players will actually learn to follow the group, causes nobody else rushes..

    25. no special commands like /laseron, since the lazer and fire kits drops from SI randomly..

    26. To prevent temakillers, people will get votebanned automatically after dealing certain ammount of damage.. so no admin control is needed

    27. Basically, the server is so fun, that you focus on the playing, and you dont want to jerk around, because everything is so hard and worth of trying out..

    28. nobody rushes, because you get killed instantly if you do so.. (overrunned by commons or killed by SI).

    29. small random explosions around the maps, in the good spots where you could imagine one to be..

    31. in the finale maps.. tons of panic events a row when near the end.. (the bridge)..

    32. The server avoids crashes after the final by skipping to score and "fly off" part by instantly changing to next campaign after the round ends.. nobody complains about it..

    33. Special weapons like Grenade launcher has automatically 40 shells and m60 has 300 bullets..
  2. Collector

    Collector <img src="http://mgftw.com/leadweb.png" />

    i think the teamkilling is a bit hard. as sometimes i throw a molotove and all people just run through it and get a lot of damage from it. will this mean i get kicked everytime people run through the fire?

    As for the rest " I CANT WAIT to play this" :D
  3. joerve

    joerve Senior Member

    Yeah but its no problem, we can just take out what we don't like, thats the beauty of it all :)
  4. Collector

    Collector <img src="http://mgftw.com/leadweb.png" />

    Stefeman sounds like a KGB spy btw. you sure he isn't a spy from another community stealing all MG's idea's? hehe
    i do wonder where you saw this COOP mod before? would be nice to tell us so not all credits go to MG for this :)
  5. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

    i totally agree! let's use this as base, and take out what we dont like, and add in what we like, and keep the normal PR 16coop seperated from this one..

    Of course this dosent mean, that we shouldn't add PR mod to this server.. what i meant, was that, we dont delete the existing PR coop (16 slots) and overwrite everything.. :P

    so this server would be great with, or without PR mode too..
  6. joerve

    joerve Senior Member

    Well I dont think we get all credits for it after I have blatantly told in this topic that we are stealing it :)
  7. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

    If i were a spy, i would have done something already :toung:

    besides, there's not even one spy in the world who could fool the MG crew.
  8. Collector

    Collector <img src="http://mgftw.com/leadweb.png" />

    should make this a seperate PR server then. where everybody starts at 0 and has a new kind of PR system.
    like you have 2-3 different classes. you can become a fully graduated medic. or a specialised soldier in weapons.
    or a elite trooper etc.
    then at the first time you play on the server you can choose 1 or 2 specialist you want to become and can max these skills and upgrades but not the other 2 special skills?
  9. HonorCode

    HonorCode Head Administrator Staff Member

    I agree! Is getting anoying to see all the damn rushers on the current coop servers. And besides, players shouldnt have any problems with such a difficulty.

    Implementing this, we can make all the SI to be on a considerable lvl (100+) and max their upgrades and skills.
  10. LEGEND

    LEGEND Senior Member

    I'll go overboard and say we don't need another PR system, people will get so confused their brains will implode. I say we keep it without the PR mod on.
    Another thing. I don't like the idea of the RANK system. It's just too pass
  11. Chocobo

    Chocobo <span style="color:#66CD00">Moderator</span>

    Wasnt it you who said "better well stealed then poorly made up"?

  12. joerve

    joerve Senior Member

    Yeah I was thinking about that too lol.

    I mean better well stolen lol
  13. littlebrother

    littlebrother MG Donor

  14. Mr Zombie

    Mr Zombie Senior Member

    I like this, I have played on Servers with this and it makes for a good balanced
    game (most of the time!) while keeping it a challenge and I have had some of my
    best games on these Server types, Great Idea!

    Yeah got to agree with this, It should be kept separate or at least at the beginning untill we
    see how it go's. I do like the idea of merging this with PR and maybe some of the others like
    theL4D-1 as that has not changed for quite a while and needs some thing to freshen it up but
    if that happens, then not both L4D-1 Servers, Just the one so ppl have a choice/variety, but
    this type of mod could be added to a number of our servers and have a good effect allowing
    it to be a good challenge weather there is 3 players on or a full server.

    When we can see how the players Feel/Prefer about it and how it runs then maybe at a later
    date a decision can be made with some gathered working data on what they would like to be
    Kept/Included/Changed rather than just changing and hoping they like it.

    I dont think it should be used to replace the current PR either now or later seeing how popular
    it is, but I do think it would make a good addition to MG I mean -- Dont fix What aint Broken!

    Marvelous Mutations Like the Naming :)

    An alternative I have see an liked for resurrecting survivors is not to use the closets but to
    have the flashing lights at the place they died and the players have to use a health pack to
    revive them by crouching down and pressing and holding the 'Use Button' for 10-15 seconds
    or so, but it does not give the reincarnated player full health. On the Server I seen this,
    It would give a Max of 50 health. Also doing it this way makes it feel more intense as the player
    knows they have a chance of being Pounced/Smoked/Boomed and in this it gives a bit of balance
    back for the SI team.

    Of course for this to be usable there would have to be more health packs in the game and an
    insentive for doing it else ppl may abuse it, but I have see it work well else where very well.

    Some thing else to go along with this that I have seen on other servers is that you cant heal
    if you are 50 health or more except for pills. Not only does this help keep the game a challenge
    but makes sure the health packs are used to reincarnate the dead players.

  15. joerve

    joerve Senior Member

    We will not invent a new PR system. We will prob just add the PR mod (after the tests). If the tests are good this server will replace COOP points reloaded, it will not be added to points reloaded. At least thats my guess.

    The PR store is yielding almost all income. We dont earn anything on L4d1, or l4d2 beserker/vicious/mix modes so I think it goes almost without saying that this server should have the PR mod.
  16. joerve

    joerve Senior Member

    They did fresh it up, its called L4D2 ;)
  17. Mr Zombie

    Mr Zombie Senior Member

    lol true :D

    But what I mean is that we have like 30-40 players regular and L4D1 sees
    no changes or very little anyway, I was just thinking it would be nice for a small
    part of this mod to be added, like the Infected Rising/Lowering in strength according
    to the number of players and the Survivor Resurrection or some thing just so it feels
    a little more fresh, Its a shame we can not do a L4D1 version of PR as well.
  18. littlebrother

    littlebrother MG Donor

    Out with the old and in with the new.. lol.. just kidding..

    yeah, its pretty obvious PR is generating income for MG.. i would go for an overall PR mod in all server if its what keeps MG running..

    maybe we could slowly reduced the number of servers thats runs the old mod.. you know, a slow but steady transition towards PR mod for all servers..

    i do believe some of the old mods (berserker and vicious mode) can generate income if MG is willing to spend time to twist some of its coding.. for example, extended mag can be sold to players playing berserker and vicious mode, its not exploiting or changes the gameplay, its just giving the players more ammunition than before... just an idea to help MG generate more income for its older mods.. not sure if MG did implement it.. correct me if im wrong.. lol
  19. joerve

    joerve Senior Member

    I think that is not a good idea. Because I think that an item should not be a store exclusive. I think all players should be able to earn (eventually) all items available. And that will not be possible if you sell extended mag on beserker without an rpg system.

    I think we also should have a few non rpg servers for casual gaming (people who dont have time to spend hours and hours on gaming)
  20. Mr Zombie

    Mr Zombie Senior Member

    Yeah this!
    When I used to play MUD Games a lot one of the things that would drive me away from servers, the
    good servers included would be that only the people that have time & money have a chance at having
    a good game, ie - buying special weapons/armor etc and in truth one of the best of these MUDs I
    found was one that did none of this.

    Excluding a large portion of possible regular players from the servers because they cant afford to pay
    for perks dont seem like a rout that will win in the end.

    Just my 2c