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Cheers, MG!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Wolf O'Donnell, Jun 25, 2013.

  1. Wolf O'Donnell

    Wolf O'Donnell Senior Member

    Hey all,

    Most of you probably won't remember me or even know who I am but ima post anyway. I noticed my admin status has been removed, which is for the best as I've been very inactive and was meaning to come on and explain I probably won't be on anything mg related for a while if not at all, but always forgot/ had other things to do. I seem to have lost my love for l4d; its a great game but i only really play vanilla with mates and even thats rare. I've been a part of this since 2010 when PR was perks and points, and superbunny was still here, playing l4d1 and getting slaughtered by popshotz and legend who were solely l4d1 at the time, playing helms deep with a full server for the first time, and just dying over and over but it still being fun! Bug/glitch testing maps with marvel and honorcode! Playing find the toaster with versus maps and dishing out buffs! I have so many great memory's here but all good things come to an end, So would just like to say thanks to all the admins that have been running with me for all this time, all past admins, present and new ones who keep this community alive, seriously guys, you're doing a great job. The players, who keep pushing the boundries of the things implemented on the servers and keep mg a thriving community; keep it up! To all the friends I've made and to marvel for making all this happen. Ill still be around every now and again, I just wanted mg to know I wasn't ungrateful :p if you guys need anything (not that it's needed) feel free to ask. Ill be on steam a lot, so add me if anyone wants. Hopefully will see you all in another game soon :)

    Thanks and big loves,

  2. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Yeah long time ago Wolf welcome back :)
  3. Angel

    Angel MG Donor

    I sure haven't forgot about you, Wolfie :D
  4. davzee

    davzee <img src="http://mgftw.com/webdesigner.png" />

    Neither have i ;) to be honest i was under the impression you were still an admin here until you posted this lol

    Btw angel your sig is too cute, i want one!
  5. Angel

    Angel MG Donor


    LEGEND Senior Member

    Been a pleasure getting to know you wolf! Hope your path leads to somewhere fortunate.

    You live in West Yorkshire?! Perhaps our paths will cross, I'll keep an eye out. :)