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Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Don Juliano, Apr 8, 2012.

  1. Don Juliano

    Don Juliano Banned

    ...no need for words..
  2. HighVolt@ge

    HighVolt@ge Senior Member

    Thats sharp. Do they really match the paint?

    I have a 97 blazer with 4 10's (3 MTX in box and 1 Fosgate in a different enclosure)an a 2000 watt amp *winky*. I prefer the sound of 12's myself, got these 10's for a good price tho.
  3. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    You mean car audio system ;)
  4. Collector

    Collector <img src="http://mgftw.com/leadweb.png" />

    iam working for a company who builds in communication stuff into cars. for like police, fire departments, transport trucks etc. we build gps tracking devices, instant messing systems etc. also we upgrade our own cars with the newest technology possible :D atm working on building a computer into the car which internet access etc. then iam gone work on the soudn system :D most collegue of mine already have total home cinema set in their car lol. looks so ammazing
  5. HighVolt@ge

    HighVolt@ge Senior Member

    Pics please! :hail:
  6. MissMaryJane

    MissMaryJane Banned

    leme post some pix of my system real quick.. this is the system my fiance put in
  7. MissMaryJane

    MissMaryJane Banned



    plus i have 2 tweeter pods custom made, also have 2 amps under each front seat.. id hafta remove the seats to take pix.
  8. MarksmanR

    MarksmanR MG Donor

    My system is sooo good, that the 2 front speakers don't work, and the 2 back speakers cut out because the cables come loose. :)