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can somebody translate this? lol

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by joerve, May 31, 2011.

  1. joerve

    joerve Senior Member


    LEGEND Senior Member

    Ali: Yo Yo boom boom, shake the mofo room. I am here with the main man of medicine of the name DC Everett Koop. So all you lot out there need to listen up, you are as likely to be killed by an illness as a drive-by. So let's talk about the human body - coz after all, everyone has got one of them :) Or so we are meant to believe. So how important is the heart?
    Dr: The heart is the pump blah blah
    Ali: Why is the actual heartbeat so old fashioned, you know boom boom, boom boom?
    Dr: That's a built in mechanism..
    Ali: But surely, my homies out there would be more into looking after their heart if their heart has a beat, say a drum and bass. Then they'd look after it and say "Yo this is my heart respect it".
    Dr: No stfu
    Ali: But why can't we use technology ad take out, with all respect, the boring organs and stick in like a CD player with a walking sound system? Would be wicked man!
    Dr: It would be wicked...klol
    Ali: What about sticking a mobile phone in there, surely theres space for that? lol
    Dr: You dont know what your talking about. What would happen if there was a mobile in there?
    Ali: You would be able to answer calls and all that kinda thing...
    Dr: You'll bleed and die lol

    I used google translate ;)