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Bummed Out

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Vulcan, Jun 15, 2012.

  1. Vulcan

    Vulcan Game Server Moderator

    For the last few weeks attendance has fallen drastically, especially in VI. This greatly concerns me. I don't want either VI server to shut down but I can see the writing on the wall if we don't get our numbers up. All the regulars are vanishing. It is primetime Thursday night and not a single player on either server. I am depressed, this totally blows. I jump in for a couple rounds hoping someone will join but it seems an excersise in futility. So I check L4D1 servers and they are empty too. Out of desperation I have beem joining PR servers. I admit I like it more all the time but it is not my stomping ground. I see more regular people including myself playing other games. I have been playing Command & Conquer Zero Hour Solo missions intermittently then come back to see if there is anyone playing L4D but it is a ghost town lately. I will keep coming back even if I have to play PR dammit.
  2. jtork

    jtork Senior Member

    well I believe total players for l4d2 gone down by 10% by its peak ... so i could only guess to expect lower pop for servers until or if l4d3 comes out.

    then server has lag issue even for US players playing on Chicago servers, when I first started the east coast server wasn't laggy.

    also maybe you can make low levels have sort of a trial full access to upgrades and skills until level 15-20's so they don't quit as fast as they get into server

    get rid of servers that are underperforming and concentrate on the active ones, use the funds save to get better premium service for less lags and stuff - the majority of complaints i read are lag and more lag

    etc ...

  3. He's talking about VI. We already know that PR lags, so HC and I are trying to find ways to optimize the system :)
  4. REN

    REN Junior Member

    Well if some/most of the players are college students like me, these past few weeks have been spent studying for finals. My finals just ended this week so I'll be playing more.
  5. WeeJocky

    WeeJocky Game Server Moderator

    ^this. My university exams have only just finished but I know that some places are going on for a bit longer. Secondary/High schools have their exams a bit later (nowish-mid July I think) so expect player levels to be down somewhat because of that.
  6. HighVolt@ge

    HighVolt@ge Senior Member

    I remember when I first started playing on MG, the Neo servers had gone under due to server issues... Played alot on CHI VI & EU VI after Neo died, EU more-so than CHI just because there were better players an just an overall better environment. At That time, both servers would get full an remain that way for most of the day....

    I understand exactly what you mean V, my first online game that I LOVED was UT2004, Its devastating watching that which u love just swirling down the drain till its nonexistent. There isnt much MG could have done, sure there were issues with "things",, but in the big picture it wouldn't have changed THAT MUCH...
    We should enjoy it while we can brothers & sisters, I will see you bitches on the battlefield!

    Its inevitable... Everything that has a beginning, has an end.

    LEGEND Senior Member

    I have loads of free time.

    I once got L4D1 back on it's feet about 3 years back when numbers were dwindling. I quickly set to work on improving it little by little and tweaking it with precision just for it to become optimized. Slowly but surely players began joining. With that experience, I am the best person for the job!

    I like the PR semantics but I much prefer a good ol' game of Hardcore Versus and the good ol' game of Vicious Infected comes close. As soon as I can get access to the servers I'll set to working on it. I can do this alone but I'd much prefer it when I have constant updates about what glitches there are, how the fire ammo is ruining the game and all that good stuff.

    I don't think it will get shut down. Just because we haven't been focusing on it doesn't mean it will get shut down. I'll frequent the VI servers more often now. No change will happen if I don't have people telling me what needs changing/fixing. PM me for modifications that need to be done. I have read the other thread whereupon a good discussion took place about what needed to be changed and I will keep note of that.

  8. Traxx

    Traxx MG Donor

    I played VI few weeks ago. I was trying to join you in l4d2 but it seems no one is on the server so I just played Dota 2.

    LEGEND Senior Member

  10. I'm starting a new thread since this one seems to be about VI specifically. Sorry.
  11. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

    mgftw started with VI (according marvel), so i dont think he will shut it down, no matter what :P

    I wouldn't like it either if it was shutted down.. i do play there ocassionally too, and it's good to take a break from PR and enjoy VI instead..
  12. erik

    erik MG Donor

    I've been earning my VI chops again the last couple months.

    Really having a great time... VI is great for cutting through a lot of b.s. and just making it a true blue crazy MG Versus gam.e

    Love it. Play w/ Vulcan and Zsoka whenever I can.