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Buffer overflow information

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Chocobo, Jun 11, 2011.

  1. Chocobo

    Chocobo <span style="color:#66CD00">Moderator</span>

    Hi everyone,

    I have noticed that many people, especially in Helms Deep, have been getting kicked due to buffer overflow. I would explain what it is and how to solve the problem, but to be honest, there are plenty of people who know more about it than me. So if you understand buffer overflow and how to solve it, please post here.

  2. Nova

    Nova Senior Member

    I noticed this happened to me when I went back down the stairs after retreating once. I wanted to see for defibs, and a kick greeted me for the buffalo reason.

    It's a map conception glitch. If you post when you get the error, then we can avoid doing the same things and thus avoid getting kicked.

    On a side note, I doubt it has anything to do with your computer. My pc is more than powerful enough to run 4 games at the same time, let alone one map crashing.

    So here are my cases :
    When I see "retreat" up the stairs, if you rush up it straight away, you get kicked for a weird message all the time.
    When I went back down once to defib, I got the buffalo error and got kicked.
  3. Kitties

    Kitties Head Administrator

    Lol at "Buffalo error"

    That aside, I have heard complaints about this error, but have never once gotten it myself...how odd...
  4. littlebrother

    littlebrother MG Donor

    i keep getting it too.. i tot it was my ping.. but my ping was fine..

    it kicks me at every part of the map..

    kinda irritating when you get kick when your just about to win the stone..
  5. Chocobo

    Chocobo <span style="color:#66CD00">Moderator</span>

    I have noticed the same thing. It can and has happened at any given time, when I join for 3 senconds, to 30 minutes in, it is completely random for me
  6. Dragon

    Dragon MG Donor

    I got kicked several times for this error for 1 day over and over again (3 days ago), i didnt do anything to solve the problem but now i can play without problems, so i don't know what causes this error.

    I got this message only in helms deep.
  7. WitnessX

    WitnessX Junior Member

    I lowered my rate and updaterate and it works fine now :D