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Bin Laden dead or complete Hoax???

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Fa!l, May 2, 2011.

  1. Fa!l

    Fa!l Senior Member

    give your opinion on this is the feared mastermind of Al-Qaida really dead or is it just a complete hoax
  2. Nova

    Nova Senior Member

    Apparently the DNA from the so-told body of OBL had the same signature as the DNA of his sister.
    I don't see a point in lying about something like this, especially if there was an official announcement made by the president himself.

    But well, it'll probably remain a perpetual question as the most famous one of all : have the americans really set foot on the moon...
  3. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

    bullshit.. hes obviously being hold in custody..

    the americans were in hurry burying "him" to the sea so anyone wouldn't wonder: "what happend to osama's body? maybe he wasent even killed"

    there's no way, that after all theese years of hunting and quesitons about al'Qaeda (such as the suspected atom bomb under europe) a random squad commander would make a direct oder to kill the source of all answers.. no.. the oders comes from above.. it's not a big deal for USA marines to shoot paralyzing shots or something else, to a visible target inside a house.. also, no soldier that would do something like "miss shoot" would be let into operation like that..

    they (the military) are probly tortuing all answers out of him deep undeground :P

    and after that, they kill him, becouse he's already stated as dead,
  4. Nova

    Nova Senior Member

    I personally believe it's easier to get him killed during such an operation than bringing him alive. Funny on the torturing part though, haha.

    Either way, OBL was wanted dead or alive, so I wouldn't be surprised if he's actually dead and not being held. Might be one of those secrets that leak out years after the events, like area 51.
  5. joerve

    joerve Senior Member

    People are so naive, they think now that he is dead the world is save from terrorism. :(
  6. Edward Marlus

    Edward Marlus Senior Member

    binladen being dead is a fabricated hoax waiting to be used at the politician's time of choosing. :|
  7. L1teHawk

    L1teHawk Senior Member

    No no no he's dead :D Finally, after a decade. We're havin' a party here! :D USA USA USA xD
  8. #_9

    #_9 <span style="color:#66CD00">Game Server Moderator<

    DEAD!! ima piss on his grave. :)
  9. L1teHawk

    L1teHawk Senior Member

    Nah, they threw him into the ocean xD :D He doesn't deserve a grave.
  10. Fa!l

    Fa!l Senior Member

    then lets all piss in the ocean!!!
  11. LEGEND

    LEGEND Senior Member

    Pollution lol.

    He's dead aiight? Some other extremist will probably show some terror now. Such a mastermind wont just go down, he probably has a back-up plan if he died.

    In other words we're fucked.
  12. Vulcan

    Vulcan Game Server Moderator

  13. Popshotz

    Popshotz Guest

    I heard he died of natural causes (an unchecked disease or something) with his family - this was in December.

    I doubt they caught the same guy since why would the government of pakistan NOT know about him being there, so close the capital, If i were a terrorist, much less the leader of Al-Qaeda i wouldn't go and live in such a densely populated place for fear of being caught. If he managed to escape their grasp for a decade why would he make such a fatal mistake?

    DNA testing, body dumped within 2 days with NO media coverage, surely pictures of his body would've been taken? He was/is the most wanted guy in the US, a story this big would be paraded throughout the media - pictures included. The people of America really know nothing, they, and the rest of the world have just been told "we killed the guy".

    Without going into too much detail, if anything - This has done nothing to stop them (Al-Qaeda) someone else will just take over and it begins again.
  14. joerve

    joerve Senior Member

    They recorded the whole operation on film. Im sure they have pics. There just debating now when to release them.

    For me its hard to believe that Obama says that he's dead while hes not.

    And of course pakistan has known where he was. Its just a corrupt regime.
  15. Popshotz

    Popshotz Guest

    So Pakistan is corrupt, but America isn't..wow.

    I hope they do release them, i have little care about Osama and would like the knowledge that he is indeed dead. It just seems all a little...too easy.
  16. davzee

    davzee <img src="http://mgftw.com/webdesigner.png" />

    Where does it say they recorded the entire operation? ive seen a few pics of the supposed "stronghold" where he was hiding but thats about it. Even if they did record the whole thing i somehow doubt that will ever be released...at least any time soon. Im not a conspiracy theorist or anything but i personally think he did actually die a while ago....the whole thing is a bit bullshitty to be honest how they conveniently dumped the body in the ocean.

    Watched a few of those Alex jones videos, although coming off a little strong he actually makes a lot of sense cheers for that link vulcan some interesting stuff there.
  17. Popshotz

    Popshotz Guest

    Apparently Obama watched it in real time..
    They have also released a fake picture of his death - same one released a few years back.
    I agree, Alex Jones does make loads of sense i'd keep your eye on this.
  18. Nova

    Nova Senior Member

    I saw an Alex Jones vid too, the one popz posted in the chatbox.
    TBH this is all just media, and I've never trusted the media, unfortunately, a lot of people do.

    You can never get the complete truth out of any source of information, since every media will try to boast about what they know most, or what they want to make believe.
  19. Popshotz

    Popshotz Guest

    I see what you're getting at and totally agree.
    However at most, Alex Jones will get more viewers, more money.
    If Alex is right Obama..the government get a LOT more.

    All about ratio.
  20. Seeker Sheol

    Seeker Sheol Senior Member

    hello all

    so i dont really have anything to add because most of you have all ready said it, but i agree with most of you, so the most wanted man in the usa was just shot dead, then they quickly burned his body out at sea, i mean surely if you are the most wanted man to what ever country not just the usa, surely you wouldnt just kill him out right then dump him in the sea, am sure they could have learned so much information from him (maybe ?) but yeah it does seem a bit bullshit to me, ohh well only time will tell if they really did kill him then, or if he was all ready dead ages ago.