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Banned from AM (lol)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by marvel, Mar 9, 2011.

  1. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    This is what I get now when I visit http://forums.alliedmods.net/

    That is amazing. I've donated like $100 already to AM the last couple of months, always help people on their forum and they ban you because you have an URL to your forum in your profile (not even homepage) where if the user clicks enough he can see non-steam servers, oh no! What if I had www.google.com as homepage? People can search for non-steam as well, so is that a valid reason to ban? Anyway they just could've asked me to remove the URL and I would.

    Most laughable is that 50% of the forum members uses non-steam servers. They even have a gametracker banner in their signature displaying it with every reply! But hey they don't care. They only ban the people contributing to the forum like they already did in the past when they banned a lot of active developers and now they even start to ban their regular donors without warning while their site is getting more sluggish every day and they really need the money to make some investments.

    And why? Because the people that contribute a lot and have good running servers are in the spotlight. The ones with crappy servers that don't contribute at all and only cry for help mostly stay below the radar and they don't get noticed and/or banned. If I was a bad forum user, never donated and only downloaded plugins without ever giving something in return my account would still have been active, how ironic and at the same time how sad that is.

    They act like they have principles for running non-steam servers and ban you, but my name and page url are still in the hall of fame. If they had any principles they should refund my donations and remove my name from the hall of fame as well, but I guess money beats principles every day and now they try to use my account as some stupid example of what happens to you when you run non-steam servers.

    And what do most people do in this situation? Right, they just create a new account and go below the radar, just downloading and stop contributing. Well I sent a mail to bailopan for explanation about my ban and if he doesn't reply and doesn't lift the ban I just assume that is what he wants and that is what I will do.

    Please, if someone notices me running a community like that one day then just tell me to quit and go find another hobby.
  2. PepsiDay

    PepsiDay Guest

    I didn't even knew that your servers are non-steam, srls :o
  3. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

    Wow.. thats just ridicilous.. i hope you solve this thing and you could always say, that if they finds anything related to warez links in the forums, you can remove it.

    edit: i reviewed your AM account, and the guy named "adrianman" is totally pain in the ass..

    i wonder if hes the one who reported you to another idiotic moderator he found
  4. Fa!l

    Fa!l Senior Member

    Some people are just jealous i would say talk to the hand suckers :{w .
    You are doing a great job marvel dont let this thing mess with you if they wont reply you know they are just a group of ignorant douche bags and scammers and just want to leech money out of people.
  5. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Oh it doesn't bother me at all that I'm banned. I mean I have respect for people's principles. If they are against non-steam and ban you for it, if that's their rule so it is. It's just that I can't believe how stupid these people are.

    They ban a donor because 'there was a non-steam patch in a post *somewhere* on our site which a user could've find by clicking on the link to our website in my personal profile on Alliedmodders. Ehmm....

    LEGEND Senior Member

    Just wtf. If all of us sign up to AM and make a petition to get you unbanned then maybe you will get unbanned and it would be good because then atleast you'd get recognition from AM and they'd realise that you have a vibrant community supporting you which shows that you are in support of AM.
  7. Stefeman

    Stefeman Head Administrator Staff Member

    i agree! i would be up for that
  8. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Nah fuck them, we don't need them.

    We have HC and L1te :)
  9. HonorCode

    HonorCode Head Administrator Staff Member

    Is useless to request an unban, because the admins use to take those kind of requests as ofences and they end up banning you too, or closing your thread.