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Back online!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by marvel, Mar 22, 2011.

  1. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Allright! We're back online! :D:D:D:D

    I don't know what was wrong but the server didn't want to load the module for the network card any longer. Rebooting didn't fix it so I had to recompile the kernel and reinstall the module and bingo! that worked. Took me about 10 minutes to fix.

    While I was at the NOC, I did some other things as well to prevent this shit from happening in the future. The Web/DB server has a remote management board (ILO) so I connected an UTP cable to it and gave it a public IP. I had to use the 2nd cable of the gameserver and configured that one to run on one ethernet port instead of two (this will have no impact on performance). You probably noticed the game freezing a couple of times while I was switching IP's and restarting network cards :P

    So, now that I have ILO access to this machine, I can ALWAYS access the machine. Break the NIC's connection and I can access it, shut the server down and yes I can still access it and power it on, as long as it has a power plug connected to it I can access it :*

    I need to do this for the EU gameserver as well, however that one doesn't have ILO. I need to buy a remote access card and go there again to install it which I'll do at a later moment.

    Right now I need to fix a lot of stuff. HLStats logging, gameserver db access, US <> EU db sync and so on and so on so it'll still take some hours of work before everything is 100% again. I'll give u a status update when it is!
  2. L1teHawk

    L1teHawk Senior Member

    Nice :D If you need me to do anything here in the U.S., I don't mind a little drive so let me know. But you probably got it all worked out :)


    Damn awesome, been trying to connect from mobile allday to see if we got back online =).

    And again gratz on the job (:
  4. Alu*

    Alu* Junior Member

    Great ! :)