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Aussie server feedback needed

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by marvel, May 26, 2011.

  1. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Hi all,

    I would like to hear some feedback on the new aussie server, I guess no news is good news but still ;) Is it laggy, how's the connection? any other issues?

  2. evilpaul

    evilpaul <span style="color:#66CD00">Moderator</span>

    Have played the new PR server for a bit, tried COOP for about ten minutes. Ping seems fine for both. CP is taking ages to load but it seems that is already being looked at. Will post in this thread if I come across any issues.

    Looks like they're attracting plenty of new Aussie players. 8)
  3. Kitties

    Kitties Head Administrator

    Connection's been great for me, and I live in the states. Control panel does take a while to load, but that problem's not exclusive to AU.
  4. littlebrother

    littlebrother MG Donor

    The coop glitches but not always.. we start off with only me, another player and 2 more bots.. so theres only 4 survivors..

    when we got to the next map, then all the 16 bots or so i guess return..

    is this normal or glitch..
  5. littlebrother

    littlebrother MG Donor

    just played about 1-2 hrs in sydney,
    its still pretty slow in loading CP.
    was at no mercy chapter 4, when we reach saferoom, then it start to load the cp.. lol

    and this was only 3 players playing..
  6. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Yes, on all servers besides EU cp loads slow. I wonder why though because the DB replica is on the same server. I did however, make some changes to the SQL server, giving it more cache and optimized it so I hope this helps.

    What I think the main problem is, is that the other db's take too long to load since they are accessed in EU, like donor db, achievements etc and it's waiting for those.
  7. evilpaul

    evilpaul <span style="color:#66CD00">Moderator</span>

    Yeah I've noticed skills etc. Allways seem to load after the achievements announcements come up.

    I played some more coop and it seems to disconnect all players after completing a finale - doesn't seem to happen for regular maps, just finales.

    Couple of times there was like a permamnent slo-mo mode too. Not as slow as during a karma charge, but pretty slow. Lasted the whole map, then we died and the map was normal after restarting in the saferoom. Everyone's ping looked normal, it wasn't laggy, just sloooow.
  8. WitnessX

    WitnessX Junior Member

    The connections are fine and more people r playing it. Even though the cp is taking unbelievably long time to load and the server crashes to Dead Center again after 3-4 maps, I still find it a great server to spend my time on.

    For the slow-mo glitch, it's got something to do with spitter goo and it happens in USA coop too...

    I also found the challenge glitch, honor mission and rambo wont work even if u completed it(I actually did honor mission but didn't get anything at the end then it said i failed the next map).

    As for the Vs server, sumhow when i did a 100+feet pounce onto a survivor, it says i did 0.0 dmg...

    Thats about it! It is still a great server overall and the only low ping server that i can play on. GW and keep it up MG, really appreciate it.


  9. littlebrother

    littlebrother MG Donor

    The challenges in coop only work like in certain map.. but i never tried it after failing it for like 3 times although i pass it..

    its a known issue in other coops too.

    you can find the discussion in this thread http://mgftw.com/showthread.php/3558-Challenge-Failed...-even-though-I-did-it-right!
  10. WitnessX

    WitnessX Junior Member

    ye..that's quite depressing sometimes. Just like ppls who loved to blow up gas tanks in the safehouse, which ruined my honor mission twice..lol.
  11. littlebrother

    littlebrother MG Donor

    was playing a versus match at no mercy, the game lags badly although everyone ping is fine, i keep getting pulled to the back although i was moving forward, and everyone else had the same issue. and my weapon keeps on switching to melee although i keep on switching to my m16.

    and this situation is getting very bad for versus, our team could have won if only CP did work, and we always start of with no cp at all as we are the survivors for the first round.

    it seems more advantages to play for the team that starts only on the 2nd round of the map as thats usually when the CP will load properly. that is if CP loads at all.

    also the slow CP is pretty much the same as last time although we have a new server for Australia.

    I remember marvel suggesting a database for brazil on its own.. not sure if marvel did implement it.

    maybe marvel can do the same for AUS rather than routing to EU every time to connect to the donor and achievement database if its not too complicated to be done.

    i got no report for hongkong, has not played there for sometime. will try next weekend for hongkong.
  12. littlebrother

    littlebrother MG Donor

    i have to say marvel, good job on the the cp fix..

    australia server is loading fast.. so is hongkong.

    Appreciate the work..
  13. WizzardHarry

    WizzardHarry Junior Member

    i second that thanks - incredibly quick loading now! =D