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Are they insane in america???

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by joerve, Mar 14, 2011.

  1. joerve

    joerve Senior Member

    Yesterday I saw a docu on discovery about solitary confinement of prisoners in the USA. There was this guy who was dealing in stolen computers and he got a 13 year prisonsentence (lol???). In holland your not even sent to prison this long for murder.

    Then he got into a fight in prison and he was sent to the hole, 23 hours in a small room, no contact with others what so ever.

    He went crazy after a few years (ya think??) and he punched a guard. Now hes doing 96 years loooool

    I know our sentences are too low but this is just completely insane.

    Also there was this other guy who was sent to the hole for 5 years, and after 5 years in there they he got out and they just released him onto the streets like that loool
  2. L1teHawk

    L1teHawk Senior Member

    It's not usually that harsh here. It's the judge's call, and unfortunately for him, he ended up with a bad one. He must be an example for the public, a kind of don't-do-what-he-did thing.