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Apologies for my offienses (DivineDawn)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by shihong92, Nov 12, 2012.

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  1. shihong92

    shihong92 Junior Member

    I'm sorry for doing such a terrible offense in mgftw, by holding up tanks which is illegal and might incur a perm ban. I'm doing a public apology so as to show my regretness and guilty for doing such a terrible things. This also serves as a warning to others, not to commit such offenses.:sad3::sad3: If i was given another chance, I would guarantee this kind of offenses would never happen again.

    Once again, i am truly regretted and sorry for the things i have done.

    Yours Sincerely,
  2. Raised in Hell

    Raised in Hell Senior Member

    It seems like you were banned for a day and it has expired so you should be able to rejoin the servers but make sure don't do this again as another admin might extend your ban length next time.
  3. shihong92

    shihong92 Junior Member

    MG erik came to me personally. He is very disappointed with me despite having lectured me the previous time already, for passing tank in half health or dieing. He said he is reviewing my offenses again whether i deserved a perm ban. :(
  4. marvel

    marvel Head Administrator Staff Member

    Don't worry I'm sure this post helps a lot with his decision :)
  5. erik

    erik MG Donor

    If you can do the following, we will extend the same courtesy to you we did to the other guy who avoided a perm ban:
    1.) acknowledge you understand why you were banned
    2.) what flashing tanks does, is, and why it's against the rules and
    3.) how glitching finales is bannable/against the rules & especially* why it's bad to teach ohters to do that

    ...if you can simply commit to never do that again, I don't see a problem avoiding a ban.

    We always encourage people to come to us and talk things out. I suppose a thread works, too.

    EDIT: Since our demo shows you saying things like "okey stop to defib people i trapped the tank, dont go near the tank,"

    ...you need to know if you do this again it is a perm ban.
  6. cry

    cry MG Donor

    I think you understand why you got banned in the first place, so you will not be doing that again, right? You shouldn't worry about getting banned again. Just enjoy the game again!
  7. erik

    erik MG Donor

    Thanks, yeah, this is a closed matter.
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