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aliens colonial marines

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Cunner, Feb 12, 2013.

  1. Cunner

    Cunner MG Donor

    are there many people that are going to play this game? i am gonna try it this weekend if anyone wants to test it out? i heard it is nothing like AVP so we can expect good things lol! i was reading a mag and they referenced the vs style to L4D2, spitters and pouncing aliens and shit. i'll give it a go. :)

    what do ya'll think???:pop2:
  2. Zsoka

    Zsoka Senior Member

    Since Gearbox is involved I might actually want to try it. Although saw some game-play and it didn't excite me too much.
  3. erik

    erik MG Donor

    I had it on my list but I think I'm giogn to change my mind... I still have 10 or so titles I haven't even tried to play yet
  4. Ithalos

    Ithalos Junior Member

  5. erik

    erik MG Donor

    I agree about reading-up first... I've made that mistake (no research) with MANY games.
    Some, though, like Dead Island (which I HATE) got good reviews and people like them.
  6. Cunner

    Cunner MG Donor

    i have many games i haven't played yet, damn steam sales!

    i grew up with these movies so i'll give a try, it will probably be like MW3, and i will just play the campain and be done with it. i don't check to see if my PC can play the games too, got a couple of those idiot moments, lol.

  7. cry

    cry MG Donor

    I'll give it a try, just to code trainers/hax though, after doing that I will delete it again. :trollface:

    I still like l4d2 more over any game for the MG community
  8. CrazyRabbit

    CrazyRabbit Game Server Moderator

    If you wanna blow $99.95 USD ($118NZD rip off!!) on a SEGA published game, go ahead. I'd hold out until a sale comes on as it seems a lot for this game title. MW3 was about $89.95 pre-sales and that was falling back on a huge franchise and knowing they could charge that much on first day.

    This is a random game based on the movies that has successfully flopped each time a new version of these games (or movies after the 3rd one) is released. I wouldn't hold my breath on this being a decent game, I'm saving my money for DayZ!
  9. JavCube

    JavCube MG Donor


    Saving for DayZ, Starcraft 2 HotS, RE6 anf Bioshock... with that my gaming life this year will be fullfilled...
  10. CrazyRabbit

    CrazyRabbit Game Server Moderator

    FYI: A brochure for a gamestore in my country was showing this for $88NZD ($74USD), which is average price for new PC titles here (only Black Ops 2 sells for higher on PC). I think Steam is selling it way too high at this point and it must be something to do with Sega trying to capture first day sales at the highest price they can.
  11. erik

    erik MG Donor

    I don't know what other owners are saying, but MG EndofTime was on all day playing lol
  12. Zsoka

    Zsoka Senior Member

    I saw psychokitty playing it a lot too.
  13. davzee

    davzee <img src="http://mgftw.com/webdesigner.png" />

    It got pretty bad reviews, ill be giving it a miss until its in the bargain bucket i think, which is a shame because i love the films and i cant remember which one it was, one of the alien vs predator pc games i think but i loved it as a kid...scared the shit out of me playing as a marine with the beeping radar thing
  14. CrazyRabbit

    CrazyRabbit Game Server Moderator


    Gameplay videos. Interesting they list all the voice actors like a movie.. although looks like 20th Century Fox played a hand in this (never good). Lance Henriksen, Michael Biehn, voice actress of Borderlands 2 Tiny Tina and a few randoms.

    These videos sometimes sway my decision and I will wait for the demo if I'm keen... just not keen on the price right now.
  15. EndOfTime

    EndOfTime Member

    As Erik pointed out I have been playing A:CM (with psychokitty at that). I figured its a good time to let you all know the ups and downs to the game. If you google the game and read a few reviews you will see that generally speaking the game sucks.

    The campaign- The xeno AI is horrid, they tend to jump in through a window only to jump back out and use the door
    The story seems thrown together and is not what you would expect from gearbox, 20th century fox, and sega
    Minor bugs through out, holdout events randomly fail to spawn xenos requireing you to reload a check point and try again

    The MP- Solid 7 of of 10
    Only minor issues that need adressed here, for example if you pounce someone think your going to miss and try and main attack them it will freeze both the alien and marine in place untill a team member comes over to get a free kill, chat doesnt work when this happens. Bit of a pain if your in an unused hallway.
    Most matches end up being one sided due to some minor imbalances.

    My advice, Unless your a huge fan of the movies\universe this game is set in (like me) don't bother untill a steam sale comes around, even then 30 bucks would be pushing it.