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Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Traxx, Nov 24, 2011.

  1. Traxx

    Traxx MG Donor

    How/Where did you get your aliases?

    Since I started this thread, I'll start first.

    I got my Alias "Traxx" from my favorite DOTA hero, Traxex the Drow Ranger.
  2. realnoob

    realnoob Junior Member

    I've seen people calling newbies noobs like an insult.It always bugged me.I came up with realnoob..(then changed my in-game name to noobpoweractivated).My latest alias is "Alias"..and i got it from the tv series Alias because Jennifer Garner is hot :P
  3. Hey Koolaid

    Hey Koolaid Head Administrator

    Koolaid has been apart of me and my family forever, but the thing that sinched it is when koolaid man came smashing through the wall family guy looool
  4. Vulcan

    Vulcan Game Server Moderator

    At one time I went by my porn star name I used while working in the adult film industry as a stuntman "Slick Johnson" but changed it back because the font made it look like Suck Johnson at a glance.
  5. Hey Koolaid

    Hey Koolaid Head Administrator

    Wow wait how much was you makin bro?
  6. Stoned

    Stoned Senior Member

    Recently my in-game name is Tank. I got it because I'm higher level now and I get tanks more frequently. So when I become tank, the survivors will think im a bot, but then I unleash my power!!! :P
  7. Angel

    Angel MG Donor

    It started when I first got Xbox LIVE, and all of my friends on there referred to me as an "Angel" so I decided to keep the name and I haven't changed it since then :D
  8. Hazemberg

    Hazemberg Senior Member

    Angels don't have dirty mind.

    Anyway, when I was a No-Steam Counter-Strike player I used to use 'Haz' as nick.
    Then I started watching Breaking Bad serie and became (Haz)emberg because of the Heisenberg character.
  9. Angel

    Angel MG Donor

    I never saw you complain about it.
  10. avilroad

    avilroad MG Donor

    previously i used "road to revolution".But then i decided to mix up the part of my second name with "road".
  11. Traxx

    Traxx MG Donor

    Well some of your nicknames are funny and cool. Aren't you curious of other's aliases? Hmmm...
  12. HighVolt@ge

    HighVolt@ge Senior Member

    I use my original game name now that I've bought the game (L4D2) thru steam which is )o(G-Force. I've used this name in multiple games but the first game was UT2004. My favorite alias is definitely -=HighVolt@ge=- , used it nearly as long as G-Force. "you were killed by -=HighVolt@ge=-" is just kewl ass death message for victims :D . Thats the message UT2004 gave the player when they died.
  13. Rushh

    Rushh Junior Member

    Well... I suppose there were a couple of reasons why I have used the alias 'Rush' for many years on games and forums. Although it was taken on this forum, /sadface.

    One of the reasons is because a great band named Rush wrote a song called YYZ which I thought was epic, another is because I like the fast action pace of a game, while listening to some tunes of course! So 'Rush' felt right and sounded slick and in a way portrays my game style at certain times!
  14. Indomitable

    Indomitable Senior Member

    Indomitable comes from the first "ultimate" armor i made in FFX. I cannot be dominated. :P
  15. atreyucore

    atreyucore Senior Member

    Im a band i dont listen to no more
  16. Mr Zombie

    Mr Zombie Senior Member

    I tend to swap back and fourth between Zombie, Skeet and Cookie Monster, the tag Zombie
    has no real reason behind it other that when playing versus and being just another zombie.

    I started using the tag Cookie Monster when i installed a mod that changed the sound of the
    Hunter to that of the Cookie Monster from Seasame Street and some one suggested that I
    change my name to Skeet after playing 2v2 versus and skeeting 4 hunter in a row when they
    pounced at me using the melee bash and quick head shot tactic, was pure luck though lol
  17. arg77

    arg77 MG Donor

  18. Traxx

    Traxx MG Donor

    I like the pics arg xD Simpsons
  19. Pessego

    Pessego Guest

    Mine, involves a story surrounded by intrigues, passions and a peach.
  20. Hazemberg

    Hazemberg Senior Member

    And yogurt.