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HI Strategy Guide and Command Tutorial

Discussion in '[L4D2] Hidden Infected' started by Vulcan, Jan 28, 2014.

  1. Vulcan

    Vulcan Game Server Moderator

    It would be cool if regular HI players would submit tutorials on how to play HI. I tried playing a few times but was frustrated with not knowing the command features and any good strategy other than just running around wondering who to shoot or that might shoot me for thinking I was about to shoot them or visa versa.

    I found the mod slow and dry but judging from its amazing popularity.it is an obvious great success. That server almost always has a good number of players.

    On a side note: There was recent chat regarding HI having it's own sourcebans index. I would like to see that happen. My primary reason for this is that the scoring can't even be close to the same as another non-pr server. You run around most of the time not shooting anything and when you do manage to kill something it is only 1-2. Kills per Death would be greatly reduced and so would Kills per Minute and other stats would decline. It would be very interesting for HI to have it's own scoring to analyze and a separate players section.
  2. tank

    tank MG Donor

    Hei Vulcan.I play almost evry day so i can give you some guide for playing ( for more info contact Honor).

    It's 4 roles what you can be on Hidden infected:





    You will get message on front of your screen what you are in game when round start.


    -You have 30 seconds before round start so be fast and run search for pills or adrenaline shoots, you will need them (med kits are disabled).

    -all survivor start with 100 HP

    -Find your favorite weapon (note weapons dont have same range like in VI or PR, and ther is not auto aim, all is manual)

    -find melee (you will need if infected break barricade and let CI inside,CI do 30 dmg but u can easy cut them with melee)

    -I suggest l4d1 rifle or any other rifle for open maps and crome shotguns for indoor fight ( think take 35 of dmg, ask HC for more info)

    -tip: when INF shooting you use SPACE bar and jump will give you more chance to not get hit.

    -on start dont trust no one, except Detective or Scientist, or someone who kill infected (remeber only Survivor can call KOS will give u clue who is Survivor)

    -dont turn your back to nobody ('cos infected can change to hunter fast and scratch you (1 hit take 1000 hp dmg)

    -like Bill said "Eyes and ears people" :) ( use your ears to hear if infected drop C4 bomb, will hear beep sound and run away fast from place you hear beeping)

    -C4 looks like Radio from last chapters in l4d game

    -mine look like small white box

    -only survivors can call KOS (kill on sight) on person who is discovered as infected (if you see him have molotov in the hand,dropping mine or c4,shooting other survivor,shooting with grenade launcher,turning into hunter or having awp sniper, have knife)

    -note on some maps before round start is possible to find knife so the rule is to say before round start or survivors can shoot u down.

    -awp can buy only infected so if you as survivor find and take the awp from dead body of infected its rule to say it or surv can kill you.

    -survivor can't use buy menu

    -you start with 1000 karma ( for killing every fellow survivor your karma drop down, if u come to 0 you get 5 day ban :(

    - type !karma or /karma ( to see your karma)


    -have blue hat on hes head

    -can use buy menu (type /buy or !buy)

    -you start with 1 credit (for each killed infected gain more credits)

    -in your buy menu u get free charge DNA scaner (you dont need to buy it, press E to scan dead body,you have 30 sec before trace expired so be fast,after scannig the body every 30 second will show up green pillar sayin and pointing on where killer standing,note sometimes survivor kill survivor so be smart before start killing the guy where green pole pointing,but take your chance )best is scan body u find after been killed by hunter then u shure 100% is not fellow survivor killer

    Cant scan body destroyed by c4.

    -in buy menu u can buy also :

    1. Defuser (defuse C4 and scan it after to find who drop c4, note you have 40 sec only before c4 explode so be fast)

    2. Teaser - use your pistols (shoot bullet to the guy) to tease the infected and kill him (teaser frezze him so inf cant move for some seconds which give u chance to shoot him easy) note not work on hunter.

    3. Med Kit (yes dectetive can buy med kit, tip never buy med kit on start, buying med kit on start will make you target for infected team, if they kill you, they will steal your med kit, keep it as last rescue when your hp is low go some place alone and heal :) or u you can heal fellow Survivor (the guy who killed the infected only and lost of hes HP)

    4. Tracer (trace fellow survivor)

    5. Intuition ( press e on dead body will get lot of info on dead body plus nick name of killer)


    -this guy is for a moment disabled by HC (but u can see him in game when HC is playin on server)

    -he have green hat

    -he can use buy menu to

    -i dont remeber all features,but iknow he can make survivors not die instantly after surv lose all hp will get incap and not die so you can pick up all survivors from the ground which is helpfull thing.

    -for more info contact HC


    -have the red hat

    -can shoot randomly on survivor (risk is that other surv shoot u down, your choice)

    -cannot KOS survivor (if infected KOS surv is ban)

    -can change into hunter (press twice left SHIFT, and press again twice shift for come back into human state, use that fast, cannot jump in air)

    -change into hunter when u close to survivor,come behind hes back,dont do in front of evribody cos other surv will kill you,they need only one hit to kill hunter,be smart,sneek and do fast,one scrach will kill survor instantly (i had lucky sometimes to kill 3 surv with one hit at once cose they was standing close each other.

    -tip for best hunter stealth mode is to not carry the molotov 'cos changing into hunter will your molotov vanish from the screen which some survivors can notice on their HUD.

    -use: /buy ,for buy thing (start with 4 credits)

    -u can buy AWP (1 hit do 95-100 dmg on surv)

    -buy KNIFE (1 hit 85 dmg, never show it in front of survivors,sneek,cut do fast and change to main weapon, best for night map)

    -buy GRENADE LAUNCHER( aim smart cos dmg is so powerfull can take your healt to if u shoot in front of you)

    -buy C4 (need 40 sec before explode,c4 beep before explode and make green cyrcle can,color will change into red before explode,warn fellow infected if they are in house they cant see green cyrcle)

    -buy MINE (taking lot of health from survivor, note infected can run through mine without activate so if survivor see that can KOS u.

    -buy LEAP (give you possibilitty to jump in air and pounce as hunter,like PR hunter)

    -buy GORE (kill survivor as hunter without leaving the trace, detective cant trace you)

    -buy exploding vest ( as real terrorist when no other option to escape surrended buy survivors you can activate the vest and explode you and all other around you, very cool thing, its free of charge, and you can also bind your favorite key to activate faster. (its info in game how to bind sm_vest)

    -buy HAMMER (each map have a lot of barricade which you can break (melee is best for stealth mode, or chainsow for fast break,or use molotov or shoot with weapons) and let CI horde come in attack survivor, you dont get dmg from CI but they will attack you to, best is hide and change to hunter and they will leae u alone,note if survivor see you hit by CI and not taking dmg can KOS you, one CI hit do 30-35 dmg on survivor.)

    -buy SILENT smg

    It would be pleasure to see you on hidden infected more, yeah not only for gaming and fun :) but 'cos you are admin to, we need desperately admins on Hidden inf,mostly admin on hidden is from EU so they cover EU GTM time,need admins due the trolling people and rdm shooters who ruin the joy of game, so welcome :).

    We need admin people who will hit them hard.Specially randoom idiot guys join on server killing fellow team mates and then leaving the server suggest perm ban.


    First page of buy menu:

    "sm_buy;menuselect <item_number>;menuselect 1"
    Dropp Mines:
    "sm_buy;menuselect 3;menuselect 1"

    Second page of buy menu:

    "sm_buy;menuselect 9;menuselect <item_number>;menuselect 1"
    Dropp Pills:
    bind "F11" "sm_buy;menuselect 9;menuselect 6;menuselect 1"

    cheers ;)
  3. Valandil

    Valandil Member

    nice guide :D
    few things AFAIK

    - hunter scratch do 1000 damage cmiiw.. remind me to check dead body died because of a deep cut.. :p
    - karma starts with 1000 cmiiw.. you get +karma for killing infected as survivor, and killing survivor as infected (must confirm this, as i rarely pay attention to karma while being inf.. you get -karma if you teamkill, both as survi killing fellow survi or inf killing fellow inf..
    - AWP does 100 damage if you manage to do a headshot.. (the hitbox is pretty small HC said) shoot between the eyes and the mouth to do so..
    - MINE does 50 damage i think
    - LEAP, as hunter leap, pounced survi have a few seconds before they die, maybe 2 seconds or so idk.. so, not pounce-instadeath.. i can confirm this because i once shoved a hunter pouncing a survi.. the survi survived (what a pun :p)
    - C4 produces a beeping sound if you're in range.. so if you hear beeping, stand clear :D
    - GRENADE LAUNCHER does massive damage if aimed properly, i remembered killed 1 survi with greren health bar (maybe 80-90 health) wih a precise hit
    - HAMMER great combo to use with hammer: CHAINSAW.. it will break barricades in seconds.. careful though, as it produce loud noise, and there's only 1 chainsaw per map (cmiiw) so carrying chainsaw around does tend to be suspicious, especially when barricades are down.. :p one more thing.. you can destroy barricades with C4, AFTER you bought HAMMER.. the explosion+fire from the C4 will pulverize the barriers :p and it's safer because you can drop C4 and run away to avoid suspicion, expensive though..
    - SILENCED MG is pretty useful, if you used it at point blank range and from behind, the survivor (usually) can't respond quickly, because they cant hear anything.. need confirming though, whether the regular Silenced SMG collected from the regular spawning is silenced too.. or it's only the one bought from the inf buy menu who doesn't produce sound..
    - infected turning into hunter can spot survivor(s) detective(s) and fellow inf(s).. in form of green outlines and their respective hats, useful if you're trying to locate survivor, maybe to snipe? ;p.. as hunter if you press crouch, you can produce growling sound.. so careful.. (can be used to lure survi too maybe? :p)
    - bind a keyboard shortcut for the sm_vest.. you can go kaboom anywhere, anytime with a single keystroke :D type in console

    bind "f12" "say sm_vest"
    note: you can bind the key to a different keyboard shortcut.. replacing "f12" with "g" will boom you if you press g

    few more tips for survi
    - if you found mine, you can use it to detect infected.. if a person walks by the mine and the mine not detonated, he/she MUST be infected.. so, KOS :D
    - sometimes the info on the dead body can be used to detect infected.. and to take useful info.. cause of death DEEP CUT is taken from hunter claw, MELEE CUT are from melee damage, most probably knife, look at the damage, if 85, it's definitely knife :p, BROKEN BONES are from falling damage, EXPLOSION are from explosion, C4, mine, GL (?) explosive round(?), BULLET DAMAGE (?) are from bullets.. watch the reapon, weapon_rifle is from m16.. so if a dead body is dead from m60, look who's carrying m60, they're a suspect, as long as they don't swap weapon.. if it's death from awp.. warn fellow survi.. snipers abound.. :D
    - vice versa, if you saw a person walks into a mine and it explodes (painfully), you can trust he/she, if a person kill a hunter, you can (mostly) trust him/her.. not 100% though.. as i've been using a knife trying to kill a survi, accidentally killed a fellow inf turning into a hunter :p
  4. tank

    tank MG Donor

  5. ZombieGirl

    ZombieGirl Senior Member

    What is the deal with the detective tool ''defuser''?
    Bought it and with no problem,defused a c4 and scanned the dna with succes.(dat Azure)

    1 day later i buy defuser again,but it didn't work anymore,everytime i tryed to defuse a c4 (around 5 times)i got the message it didn't work and the c4 is locked now...

    What's up with that?!
  6. Jost

    Jost Game Server Moderator

    You have to solve the equation. If u choose the wrong number, C4 will be locked and will explode soon.

    The equations are special. There is wild rounding. (Example: 45 / 60 = 0 or 1)

    Greetz Jost (DefuserBiatch)
  7. ZombieGirl

    ZombieGirl Senior Member

    What! This requires math? And i thought i was escaping the sheer horror that's called ''school'' or ''learning'' in this game,darn!
  8. tank

    tank MG Donor

    Thx to help from Honor i updated some new things like key binds for buying items when you play Hidden Infected, scroll up post num 2 ;)
  9. ???o?? o

    ???o?? o Guest

    it may take lots of time to play HI good.. so much different than PR-mod :O